High school reunion [Requested]

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You jump up and down with excitement as you read the invitation for the high school reunion over and over again. "Babe calm down. What is it?" Tom asks making you stop jumping. "Its a high school reunion!!" You say. "That's great. When is it?" He asks. "Um, this Saturday." I say looking at the card again. "That's like two days from now." He says taking the card from your hand and taking a look at it himself.

Your eyes got wide as you realize you have to go pick up a outfit and so many other things. Dialing your best friend's number you wait for her to pick up. "We have to go shopping!!" You say the moment she picked up.

After arranging a few calls with your friends you all decide to go shopping the next day. "What's wrong with the dresses you already have?" Tom asks. "Nothing. I just have worn them a lot of times." You say. Tom nods his head.

The next day you meet up with your friends to go shopping for the reunion night. "So who are you bringing as your date?" (Friend 1) asks your best friend. "Obviously it would be my boyfriend." She replies with a sarcastic tone. "What about you Y/n." She asks you next. "I'm bringing Tom. I didn't exactly ask him if he is free to go or not." You say looking at some dresses on the rack. "Tom as in Tom Holland? The spiderman?" She asks. "Yeah." You reply casually. "You are lying." She says with a laugh. "I'm not lying. He really is my date." You say. "C'mon Y/n. It's Tom Holland we are talking about." She says earning a little laugh from the others. You ignore them as you make your way towards another section of the shop.

"Love, why do you look so down?" Tom asks as you arrive back home with the shopping bags. "Just a tired day." You say. "You could have called up to help you with the shopping bags like always." He says taking them from your hand and taking it to the room.

"My friends don't believe me when I said you are my date." You say. "Oh. They'll know when we both show up." He says walking up to you to give a comforting hug.

-Reunion night-
"I'm so nervous." You say as you apply the last touch of make-up. "There's nothing to be nervous about." Tom says assuring you. "I don't know how they look like anymore. It's been 5 years. What if I get their names wrong?" You say starting to panic. "Hey. Hey. It will be all okay. I'll be there with you." He says with a smile.

Once outside the car parked near the venue. You stand quietly breathing softly. You and your friends had planned to meet outside first and get in all together. "Here." Tom says picking up a small box. "A corsage?" You ask confused. "You told me you couldn't go to prom cause you fell sick and this is the closest I could get to take you to prom." He says placing the corsage on your hand. You leave a quick peck on his lips feeling happy to have him in your life.

"Y/n!!" You hear your best friend call your name as she and her boyfriend walked towards you. The other following behind them. A few covering their mouths with a little shock. Tom takes your hand in his. "See babe, I'm the limelight now." He says with a huge grin. "You must be Tom." (Friend 1) says still surprised. Tom reached out his hand to shake. "Yes that's me." He says.

"You really was not kidding." She says in a whisper as you all walk in together.

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