43. Baby bump

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"Sure I can. Yes! I'll be there in an hour." I say hanging up the call. Tom was having an interview session and their make-up artist called in sick at the last second and wanted me to go. I jump a little with excitement of surprising Tom at work but immedietly stops jumping thinking about the baby inside me. Yup. 3 months pregnant and a little belly showing off now.

I wore a knee length vintage dress as I call Harrison to pick me up. "You sure he'll be fine?" He asks once I closed the door to the passenger seat. "Well I'm bored staying at home." I say pouting. Harrison nods his head in agreement.

"Y/n! What are you doing here??" Tom asks as he saw me carrying a small make-up kit box. "I thought I would surprise you." I say. He stood speechless shaking his head slowly. "You don't want me here?" I ask. Damn these mood swings. "No. No. No. Its just that you are pregnant and you should be more careful." He says holding my shoulders. "Tom, I'm fine. " I say mood off.

"Oh Y/n, you made it. Lovely dress. Get started with Tom's make-up." One of the staff says. I smile as I open the small kit I got. "You came to fill in for her?" He asks quietly. I ignore. I take out some brushes and start putting on him. "Y/n." He starts to speak but stops.

"He's done." I call out to the staff member. "Look Y/n-" He gets cut off by the staff member dragging him to the set. "Goodluck." I say patting his back before I pack up my stuff to leave.

Harrison dropped me home and I sat on the sofa reading through a boring megazine. Tom walked in dumping his bags onto the floor before joining me. "Y/n look, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I just don't want you getting hurt. Or the baby. You never know how the fans are going to pop up and scare you." He says chuckling with the last part. "You don't trust me?" I blurt it out. "No. No. I do trust you." He says in a rush. I put down the megazine as I walk into the bedroom.

-Tom's P.O.V-
Y/n must be really down because of me. Or its her mood swings. Can't tell. I get up and walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of juice for her.

"I got you some juice." I say as I keep the glass of juice on the night stand. She sat on the bed quietly. I sit next to her. As I lift my hand to embrace her she gets up. "Y/n." I say as I stare at her growing belly, putting my hand on it. She looked down and smiled. "Baby, please tell mommy that Daddy is sorry." I say kissing her belly softly. Y/n smiles as I look up.

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