Can you mend a broken heart? [Requested]

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You and Tom have been best friends since childhood. Always teasing each other every chance you get which made all your friends go telling you and him to date already. You liked him and Tom liked you as well but none of you knew the true feelings you held for each other.

You had movie nights with cuddling under warm blankets with bowls of popcorn. Him always comforting you after the scary scenes in a movie. Flirting around when hanging out with friends. It was a unique relationship shared.

But things changed when Troy, a family friend of yours showed up. "Troy!! Surprised to see you." You say as he walks towards you to give a hug. "I know. I'm surprised myself too." He says with a chuckle.

You started to hangout with Troy more and you were happy just being friends with him. Tom wasn't that happy that happy about it but he tried not to let it bother him.

"I was wondering of you could lend me some money. Here me out first okay? I just moved here and I got no money and I can't get a job cause you know how my background is like. No one would give a job to a person like me. So I was wondering if you could help me start it. I want to have my own business. I think I can do a good job at it. Please don't say no." He says. "I don't know. I'll see what I can do." You reply. "Y/n please. If I had other options I would have done it but you are the only one I've got. Please." He says begging you making you feel pressured. "Okay. I'll help you with it." You say. "Thank you. I promise I'll pay you back." He says.

Days passed by and Troy asked for help again. "I just need a little bit more. I'll pay you by the end of the month. I promise." He says. "Fine." Sighing you reply as he didn't really leave a choice for you. "Just know that it's my college money I'm spending to help you so you better pay back." You say.

"Heh Y/n. I was wondering if you want to go get some milkshake." Tom says walking in after Troy has left. "Yes please." You say.

"So, how is he?" Tom asks referring to Troy. "He's alright." You reply. "You seem relieved but scared." He says. "No. I'm okay." You reply. "I find him annoying. Like he is just playing around. You need to be careful." He says. "You just asked to go out so you could talk about him?" You ask annoyed getting up and leaving.

Back at home you sit by the window thinking about things. How Troy always got nice when he wanted something. How he always gives a big speech if you refuse to do what he says. Puts you into guilt and leaves you with a fake promise.

Avoiding the negative thoughts you think about the positive things that have happened. Like the time when he took you to the beach and how much you enjoyed it but maybe it was just fake.
You wanted Tom to be there next to you to reassure you. To comfort you.

"Hey Y/n. Why are you crying?" You hear Troy ask. "How did you get in?" You ask instead standing up and wiping your tears. "The door was open. Why you crying? It's alright." He says getting closer to you but you move back. "Why are you here?" You ask. "I um, needed a favour. Again. I know. I know the same speech and all but trust me." He says. "No. I don't." You say. "No? You have to do it." He says raising his voice.

Back at the cafe Tom sits alone thinking of a way to get you back. To finally tell you how you feel and to see what Troy is really like. He gets up making his way to your house.

You push Troy and run towards the front door bumping into Tom. "Y/n?" Tom asks confused as he looks at your tear stained face. He moves you aside before approaching towards Troy and punching him in the face. "Get out." He says through gritted teeth. Troy leaves with a bleeding nose looking at you once more before leaving.

"I'm so glad you ca-" Before you could finish your sentence Tom crashes his lips on yours. "I have wanted to do that for years. I'm glad I'm here before things got worse." He says a little embarrassed. "I'm glad." You reply giving him a peck on the cheek.

Weeks past by and you and Tom finally started to date. Things were all good until you got a text from Troy. Telling you how sorry he was and if you could help you to repay you. You ignored him. You were not falling for his lies again.

Ignoring the messages led to him coming to your house and it was at a bad time. Tom greets him at the door and beats him making sure he never come back or message you again.

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