Fake excuses [Requested]

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"You ready to go for your check up?" Tom asks Tessa as he puts on his jacket. Tessa just sits and stares back at him. "You know you need to." He says.

"Health checkup for my dog, uhh, Tessa." He says at the counter. He gets a token number and take Tessa to sit at the waiting area. He puts up a fee instagram stories updating his fans on his whereabouts. Once its his token number, he makes his way into the small room.

Tessa sits nicely at the table as Tom roamed around the items around him waiting for the nurse to come. "Sorry sorry." He says apologising as he had dropped something in surprise when you entered the room. "It's okay. I'm Y/n and I'll be taking a look at you, Tessa." You say introducing yourself to Tessa.

Tom stands a few feet away from the table looking at you doing your job. He had his arms folded over his chest as he leaned against the table against the wall. Admiring you. "So um, how long have you been doing this for now?" He asks. "Just a few months." You reply with a smile. "I've never seen Tessa this calm at the vet. She likes you." Tom says. "I have a dog like Tessa too. He's called Luke." You say.

You and Tom connected over the little conversation. "Done with the health checkup. All good." You say finishing up some paper work.

Tom sets Tessa in his car to drive back to the apartment. "Great. I have forgotten her name." He says parking his car. "What was it?" He asks himself a little frustrated.

Two days later Tom's back at the vet again. "Just act sick." He says looking towards Tessa. "Hi um, I'm looking for this nurse with um, y/h/c and um, y/e/c." He says describing you. The girl at the counter gives Tom a weird look. "Um, my dog, Tessa likes her. I mean um, as in she stays more calm with that nurse." Tom says fidgeting a little and trying not to sound stupid.

"Some boy crushing over you is here." You hear the receptionist say poking her head into your room. "Okay. Send him in." You say.

"Hi." Tom says getting into the room with Tessa. "What's the matter today?" You ask Tessa. "She um, I think she's sick." Tom says. "Alright. Let's have a look then." You say.

For several days Tom kept going with fake excuses just to meet and talk to you and also cause he had to find your name. He hated himself for forgetting your name as he was too busy admiring yourself. "Tom, Tessa is all okay. Nothing to worry about." You say for as Tom visited you for a fifth time. "That's great. Actually um, I was wondering if you'd go out with me sometime. Maybe after work or when you get free? If possible?" He asks. "Sure. I finish work at 12." You say with a smile. "Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12 then." Tom says.

The next morning you bump into Tom on your way to work. "You live near here?" He asks. "Yeah. That red building around the corner." You say pointing down the street behind you. "Oh. I'm just here for break." He says with a little laugh. "Sorry Tom but I really have to go to work. I'm already late." You say. "You want a lift?" He asks. "No no. It's alright." You say quietly running with your small heels on. Work attire that annoyed you sometimes. "I'll pick you up at 12!" Tom says loudly cupping his hands over his mouth. You smile to your self turning around and nodding. He smiles back in return.

After a busy day at work you finally manage to get home just in time to get ready for your date with Tom. You put on a casual outfit and wait for him to come pick you.

"This shirt looks good right?" Tom asks Harrison who was completely done with Tom by now. "Dude, just wear any shirt and she'd still find you cute. You are getting late. Now go go." Harrison says.

"Is he always like this?" Harrison says turning to Tessa who just sat staring back at him. "I can tell you get done with him sometimes too." He says.

"Sorry I'm late." Tom says as you open the door. "It's alright." You say. You were just glad that Tom actually came to pick you up and didn't bail on you like the other guys has done.

A candlelight dinner on the rooftop overlooking the skyscrapers was not what you had expected as a first date. You were impressed. He pulls the chair out for you to take a seat before sitting across from you. "How is Tessa?" You ask to make sure Tom hasn't been freaking out. "She's fine. I just made up a few excuses to go and see you." He admits. "I'm glad you did." You say taking a sip of the drink Tom had poured into the glasses.

After the meal you both stand by the small wall staring at the skyscrapers and the sky. "It's beautiful." You say. "It's not as beautiful as you." Tom says. He removes his jacket and places it over your shoulders as the night begins to get cold. Moving closer to you he leaves a soft kiss on your cheek but it lands on your lips as you had turned to tell him something.

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