The Oscars [Requested]

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"The gold shoes goes well with that one." Your best friend says as you stare at the mirror. She had agreed to help you out for the oscars. She was a make-up artist and has worked with several actors and actresses. "These?" You ask taking a pair of golden high heels and putting them on. "I hear Tom Holland will be there too." She says with a little smirk. "There will be many people there." You say rolling your eyes. "Yes but its Tom you are looking forward to." She says making you blush.

You have been a big fan of his acting and have always wanted to meet him. "How long has it being? Years?" She asks teasing you. "Okay stop that." You say. "Alright. Alright. Let's get your hair done now." She says.

"Nervous?" She asks once done with the hair and make-up. "You know how things like these are like. Camera flashes everywhere. People calling your name. I might just get in from the backdoor." You say. "Hey hey. You have done this several times. You got this. Or is it Tommy that's making you nervous?" She says laughing. "Maybe." You reply with a shrug.

"Ready Miss?" You hear the driver ask politely as he pulls over the red carpet. "Yes. Thank you." You say walking out of the car.

"Y/n! Y/n! Over here!!" You hear the familiar sounds of the clicks of the cameras and them calling your name. You waved at the cameras with a smile.

Tom was on the other end of the red carpet. Way ahead from you as he mist have arrived before you. He turned around with the people calling your name. He went on his tip toes to take a glimpse of you over the crowd surrounding him.

Inside be was looking around to see where you were seated at. "You are acting weird." Harrison says glaring at Tom. "What? No I'm not." He says finally spotting you. "Aww. It's Y/n." Harrison says looking Tom's direction. "Did she come with someone?" He asks his best friend. "No. I don't think so." Harrison says. "Take this to her." Tom says jotting down something on a tissue paper. "What? No. You're the one in love with her. You go ask her yourself." Harrison say. "I can't. I'm shaking already." Tom says to which Harrison facepalms himself. "Wait. Where is she going?" He asks. "I don't know Tom. Go after her." Harrison says.

You excuse yourself from the table and walk outside to get some air. "H- Hi." You head someone say. "Hey." You reply with a friendly smile. "Y/n right?" He asks moving in front of you. "Yes." You say. "I love your movies." He says like a little fanboy before itching the back of his head after realising how stupid he sounded. You giggle. "I love your movies too." You say. "Um, would you maybe, um, like to go out after the oscars? Or maybe another time too if you will be tired." He says. "After the oscars sounds good." You say with a smile.

Joining back at the table you give a smile towards Tom before taking your seat. "What was that?" Harrison asks pulling on Tom's sleeve. "I got a date." He says with a huge grin. "Now was that so hard?" Harrison teases to which he frowned at him.

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