42. Day out (Requested)

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-Tom's P.O.V-

"You ready princess?" I ask kissing Emily's cheek while she watch Y/n make sandwiches. She nods munching on some chips. "Will you be alright?" I ask Y/n as she packs the sandwiches. "I'll be
fine Tom. This baby isn't gonna come out for another four months." She says. She has got a doctor's appointment but since the day out with the cast all planned up, she didn't want me to cancel it.

"Daddy let's go!!" Emily whines pulling down my hand. "Yes baby. Let me go get everything." I say. "Now you two have fun okay. Emily, be careful and brave." Y/n says hugging Emily. "We'll be back soon." I say kissing Y/n.

The cast members greeted us at the lake. They all had set up their chairs to fish. "Emily you got your fishing rod?" Harrison asks as Emily nods her head. "Alright. Daddy will set up some stuff while you go fish with Harrison." I say handing her small fishing rod.

I set up the BBQ grill and join them. I dig a small hole and poured water into it. I put the small fish I caught. "Look Emily." I say pointing at the fishing swimming in the small pond I made.
"No daddy no. Its sinking. Its drowning!!" Emily screams as she struggles to catch the fish. Eventually she did and the fish flipped from her arms hitting her face making her cry. "Emily." I say quietly hugging her. All of us stopped laughing. "The fish needs water to breath. Like how you need air on land. You get it princess?" I ask. She nods and spent the rest of the day in my arms embarassed.

"Hi honey, how was the day?" Y/n asks as we both walk in to the living room. "Emily saved a fish from drowning." I say giggling.  Emily didn't take it any funny and sat down pouting while Y/n comforted her.

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