59. Emily meets Luke

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"Alright. I arranged the room." Tom says walking out the from Emily and Luke's room. "Great. Your mom will be here with Emily in a while." I say.

"Mommy!!" Emily screams as she walks in but stops halfway as she sees the small baby in my arms. She slowly walks to the side of the living room staring at us. "Emily, he won't bite." I say chuckling. Deep down I was worried and scared. When she didn't respond, I look at Tom for help.

-Tom's P.O.V-
"Hey. Why are you staying so far from Mommy?" I ask as I sit down to her level. "Mommy is with another baby now. Does that mean she don't want me anymore?" She asks with tears. "No. Baby, it's not like that. Mommy do want you. Mommy got you a little brother to play with so that you can have fun." I say pinching her cheeks. She slowly moves into my chest. "Does mommy love him more than me?" She asks. "Mommy loves you a lot and she loves your baby brother a lot too." I say.

For the past hour she hangs out after me, avoiding Y/n. I could tell Y/n was really down. She struggled to calm down crying Luke. "Why is mommy always with him?" Emily asks as she joins me in the kitchen preparing lunch. "Mommy is taking care of him. You were that small too and mommy did everything to help you grow. She would wake up at night and sometimes she would stay awake to look after you." I say as I turn to see her about to cry out loud. "Oh no no no no." I say carrying her. Shit I went too far. I say as I try to calm her down.

"Emily what's wrong?" Y/n says walking in. She had put Luke down to bed finally. She takes Emily from me as she tries to calm her down. "What happened?" She asks. "Um.. I think I went too emotional." I say.

-Y/n's P.O.V-
I put Emily down to sleep. Seeing her after a long time made me happy and sad that she has been ignoring me.

"Y/n, she's just taking some time to adjust to Luke. Give her some time." Tom says kissing my forehead. "I made lunch." He says again placing a plate of food infront of me.

After lunch I decide to go check on Luke. Emily stood by his crib staring at him. I smile. "Mommy." She says walking towards me.

Tom carried Luke as we all sit in the living room. "He is tiny." She says as she stares at Luke on Tom's lap. "You were that tiny too." He says. "He looks pretty." She says resting herself on me. "So will you be happy with your baby brother?" Tom asks. She nods her head.

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