30. Emily's Red carpet

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"Tom can you keep an eye on her while I make some lunch?" I say putting Emily down on the carpet near the sofa. Her toys scattered every where. "Sure." Tom says putting his feet on the coffee table. His eyes fixed on the TV. Ever since Emily started crawling she doesn't stay in one place.

I start to prepare her lunch before going all crazy with the whole new movie premier stuff. "Where's Emily?" I ask. "She's here." Tom says with his eyes still on the TV. "No, Tom." I reply sighing. I leave the plate of lunch on the table before looking for her. "Emily? Oh there you are." I say walking into the room. I carry her to the living room sitting across Tom. I put the bib on her before feeding her a spoon of her favourite lunch. "Tom did you get all the outfits?" I ask. No reply. "Tom?" I call again. "Hmm? Yeah. Yeah I did." He replies. "You alright?" I ask. He simply nods.

"You think she's ready?" Tom asks as I put on the mini gown on Emily. "I'm a bit nervous." I reply. Honestly yes. She's growing up so fast and the public still havn't seen her face. "It's okay. We won't show her much." Tom says. Tom watched Emily as I got ready. "All good?" He asks. "You look beautiful." He says kissing me. I smile. "Alright let's go. You got her emergency supplies?" Tom asks. I nod as I carry Emily to the car.

Emily lets out little cries as the camera flashes illuminated through the glass windows of the car. "We are taking the back entrance." Tom says right away turning the car around. After parking he sighs. "Is she alright?" Tom asks joining us behind. "Yeah." I reply softly. "But Tom she's one of the actresses in the movie with you. Shouldn't you both go?" I say as Emily falls asleep in my arms. "I'll just send you both through the back door and I'll go from the front." He says kissing my forehead. I get out holding Emily close to me as Tom held my waist walking towards the back door. "Alright. I'll meet you guys in a while." He says to me as I was joined by Harrison.

-Tom's P.O.V-

I take a deep breath as I walk towards the cameras. I could here my name being called from here and there. "Tom, what do you think of your role in the movie?" In came a question from a reporter. "I'm really excited for this movie and my role is amazing." I reply. "How was it working along with your daughter?" She asks. "It was really great and fun. She would have her little crying moments but it was goid." I reply proudly. "Have you come to the premier alone?" She asks looking side ways. "No, no. Y/n and Emily are both inside already." I reply. With that I made my way inside finding y/n trying to control a crying Emily. "Babe, I got her." I say taking her in my arms as I slowly rock her to sleep. Every once in a while the camera would get zoomed in on us but I made sure not to show much of Emily. I know it sounds as if I'm so overprotective but honestly she's too young to be facing these crazy reporters. I would kiss y/n every time the camera went on us.

When it was time for the cast to get on stage I carry a sleeping Emily as every aww. "She's asleep?" Asks the host. "She's all tired." I reply. Half way through the talk Emily woke up and I had to signal Y/n to come and get her.

I decided to leave before it ended since I didn't want them to get hurt with the huge crowds.

"That wasn't so bad." Y/n says once we got home. I chuckle.

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