61. Shopping

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"I just have to make one stop and we'll be done. Go get yourself some ice-cream." I say to Tom. He frowns. "What?" I ask. "It's just one store right? I can go with you." He says. "I don't think you will like that store much." I say. "Pfft. Oh please." He says. "You will feel awkward in there." I say. "I'll be more awkward here roaming around with an ice-cream." He says. "Alright." I say walking towards the Victoria Secret's store.

"Oh you meant here." He says slightly shaken as he quietly points his finger towards the store. "Um, yeah. Tom, if you are just too shy then go get some ice-cream. I won't take that long." I say. "Pfft. I'm not shy." He says walking past by me to the store.

"It's all just perfumes." He says as he smells the sample bottles. I walk around testing some myself before walking to the end of the door. "What's so awkward about this?" By the time he asks I was way inside. I could here footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Tom frozen. "Tom?" I say pulling him away with me. "I warned you." I say. "Um, Y/n?" He asks quietly following behind me. "Yeah?" I say. "How long are we gonna be here for?" He asks. "Why? You feel awkward already?" I ask chuckling. "No. Just asking." He says firmly.

After about a few minutes of browsing the items I realize Tom is nowhere to be seen. "Tom?" I call out his name softly. No reply. I dial his number. Ringing sounds came behind a clothes rack near me. Tom appeared through the clothes slowly. "Hi." He says casually. I blink at him. He softly claps his hands together before speaking. "So we done now?" He asks. "Yeah. I just have to pay for these." I say. His eyes go wide with the items in the basket. "Alright. I'll pay for those and then we can leave." He says with a quick tone.

Once we settle inside the car I got on my phone to catch up on the daily social media events just to be seen pictures of Tom in Victoria Secret's. I give a cheeky smile at Tom. "Oh c'mon." He whines.

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