Prompt: 2, 43, 87 - Peter

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[Warning: some violence aftermath?]

You place your hand on your forehead as you felt something ooze down your cheeks. You look at your shaky hands to find blood on your palms.

You knew going home alone late at night was a terrible idea but Peter wasn't picking up his phone and it left you with no choice.

Your vision started to get blurry as you spot several lights in the distance coming closer to you. "Stay awake." You heard someone say as you felt your body being lifted off the ground onto a soft mattress. You got carried inside a small space. The familiar sound of the ambulance echoed in your head. "I feel like I can't breath." You manage to say as you felt all the walls closing. An oxygen mask gets put on you and that was the last thing you remember happening.

Far from town Peter was getting a lecture from Mr. Stark. He went onto to tell Peter to do little friendly neighbourhood things but Peter just kept frowning at it. "Y/n has been taken to the hospital. Get there now." He says making Peter panic.

He ran as fast as he could to the hospital. Changing into his old clothes he makes it to the hospital running through the corridors looking for a nurse. "Y/n Y/l/n?" He asks. The nurse nods her head and tells him where you were.

He stands by the bed yelling at himself in his head for not being there to save you. To pick up your call and drop you home like how he used to until he got too much into solving crimes. He sighs sitting down on a chair next to the bed.

A loud bang outside the corridor made you jump in fear. Peter rushed to your side. "Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore." He says caressing your back and leaving a soft his on your head. "I thought I lost you. I'm so sorry." He says quietly. You hugged him tightly. You didn't cry. You felt happy and safe in his arms.

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