81. "Harrison or me?" (Requested)

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I sit on the sofa with a hot cup of earl grey tea as I squint my eyes at the laptop screen on the coffee table. Hoping to finish the paper works before midnight and before Tom would start whining more.

Typing one word onto the document I hear the bedroom door close shut and a whinny Tom call out my name as he made his way towards the sofa. "Now what?" I say pretending to be annoyed. "Okay you don't really mean that." He says with a slight pout looking at me. "Oh I do." I say as I loved seeing him with the pout. "Y/nnnn!" He says falling onto the sofa making me drip tea onto the papers. "Tom. Please stop whining and let me finish the work." I say.

"Maybe you could like take a break." He says with a smirk moving his face close to my neck. "Tom please." I say trying to push him away. "You soaked my papers with tea." I say with a frown. "Now you can tell those excuses on why you didn't finish your homework." He says laughing. "Tell my boss that my boyfriend poured tea on the papers?" I say. He laughs harder to that. I shake my head.

"C'mon Y/n. Just a little break." He says whining again. Tired of him whining I give in. "Okay fine." I say. "Yas!" He says getting his hands in the air. "Maybe not." I say teasing him. "No no no no. I won't do that again." He says pulling me by the hand and making me fall on top of him. Brushing the lose strands of hair fallen on my neck from my messy bun, he brings his lips onto my skin leaving a soft moan from me. "Ah I see you wanted this." He says with a giggle.

Tom groaned with the sound of my phone ringing. "Cut that call." He says as it rang for another 2 times. Leaning over from the sofa I reach over to pick up the call. Past midnight and a call from Harrison could only mean one thing. A drunk Harrison.

"Hello." I say getting up and walking into the kitchen and away from a whinny Tom. "Y/n." He slurs my name. "You want me to go pick you up?" I ask. "Yes pleeeeease." I hear him say. Giggling to myself I hang up as I walk towards the room to get ready.

"Where are you going?!" I hear Tom say as he jumped over the sofa running behind me. "I have to go pick up Harrison." I say putting on my jacket. "I could go pick him up." He says. "What happened the last time you went to pic him up?" I ask looking at him with my arms folded. "I um, I got drunk and called you to come and pick us up." He says. "Exactly." I say. "No wait. There was one time I did go pick him up and didn't get drunk." He says thinking. "No you didn't. You forgot to pick him up and he somehow came here 2 in the morning." I say. "Oh. Yeah that happened." He says itching the back of his head.

"So I'm gonna go pick him up and drop him to his place and come." I say. "But you can't just leave me. You know. Like this." He says. "Just wait a few hours." I say. "But I waited the whole day." He says whining again. "You were with Tessa." I say. "That's different." He says. "I think I just heard Tessa being sad." I say. "Tessa!! I didn't mean it. I love you more!!" Tom screams.

"I won't be long." I say. "Harrison or me?" He says. "You of course but I have to go pick up Harrison right now." I say. "He's a big boy. He can find his way home." Tom says.

"I'll be back soon." I say opening the door. "Fiiiiine." He says giving up on trying to make me stay.

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