Prompt: How could you forget your son's birthday? - Tom

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"Special birthday breakfast for the birthday boy!!" You say putting a plate of waffles with whip cream and chocolate syrup stacked up with some sprinkles. "It's a breakfast cake!!" The four year old says picking up his fork. James turned four and you were planning to have a small party to celebrate his birthday in the evening. "Where's daddy?" He asks with his lips covered in whip cream. "He's at work." You say wiping his face clean. "Will he come for the party?" He asks. "If he gets free then yes." You say unsure.

Harry and Sam showed up to help decorate the room. Harrison joining on a few minutes later. "Are you having a Spiderman party?" He asks James. "Uh, yeah." He says before running towards Sam. "Where's Tom?" Harrison asks as he helped in the kitchen. "At work." You say.

You had tried several times to discuss about the party but it had always gotten interrupted.

The party began in the evening and the house got filled with many people. You stayed excluded from the crowd. Hiding in the kitchen trying to call Tom.

"What's wrong dear?" You ask as James walk into the kitchen with a sad look. "Daddy said he would take me to the zoo on my birthday." He says as you put him up on the kitchen island. "When did he tell you?" You ask. "Weeks ago." He says. "Well daddy has been busy these days. I'm sure he will take you another day." You say as he hugged you for comfort. "Everything alright?" Harry asks walking in with an empty plate. "Yes." You say taking the empty tray from him as he takes James back to the sitting room.

By sun down everyone had started to leave. Tom never made it to the party. "James fell asleep on the sofa." Sam says as he followed behind Harrison clearing the trays set up with food. "I should go put him to bed." You say but gets interrupted by Harry. "No it's okay. We got this." He says.

"Is everything going okay with Tom and You?" Harrison asks. "Yeah. We just haven't gotten much time to talk. Do you think he is doing it on purpose?" You ask. Only Harrison knew you and Tom were taking a break from some problems. "He's at my place often. He wants everything to get sorted out soon. He hates it a lot. It's been weeks now so yeah. He'll come around." He says with a small smile. "He rarely comes home. I want him back home." You say with a sad tone.

Past 11:00pm and you still sat on the sofa hoping Tom would come back home. Sighing you get to get ready for bed when the sound of keys makes you stop on your tracks. "Y/n? You've called me a lot and I came as soon as I could. What's wrong? What happened?" He asks but stops near the sofa looking around. "What's all this?" He asks looking at the balloons and a few decorations still left after the party. "You don't remember what day today is?" You ask. "Um, no." He says confused. "How could you forget your son's birthday?" You half yell at him. "Oh sh- I don't know. I was too caught up with work." He says disappointed with himself. "You need to make it up to him." You say tired.

"Yes. Yes I will. I will take him out to the zoo tomorrow." He says remembering his promise with the toddler.

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