55. Tom's birthday surprise

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(Second part to no.54 Secrets)

"Okay. Emily, you remember everything Mommy said?" I ask my daughter. She nods her head. "Is he still on the secret thing?" Harrison asks. "I think so. He didn't talk much this morning." I say. "Hi Emily. You are here." Harrison says realizing she's there. "Yeah. I just brought her for the surprise. Feel nervous." I say. "I'm sure the baby won't be coming out today." Harrison says looking at my big belly. I laugh a bit. "So is everything set?" I ask. "All set. Tom will be doing his interview now." Harrison says checking the time.

"Isn't there a day these paps are tired?" I ask frowning at the number of paps around the area. "Nop. None at all." Harrison says. "I can not walk fast." I say. "I'm gonna tell Harry to come and pick Emily." Harrison says dialing Harry's number. After a few minutes he is outside ready to pick Emily up. "Be careful." I say. "Alright. You'll be fine." Harrison says helping me out the car.

After like 5 minutes we made it safely inside the building. "How long till he is done?" I ask as I enter the room. Some of his cast members were there joining the surprise. "Why don't you go surprise him while he is doing the interview?" One of them says. "Not a bad idea. You could announce your second baby." Says another one. "Yeah. The paps outside got that already." I say earning some laughs. "Should I take you?" Harrison says.

"Do you think he will be mad?" I ask as he walks me and Emily to Tom's interview. "For one thing he'll know the secret so he can't really be that mad." He says. "Wait here." He says again before leaving. I see him talk to someone. "Tom, there is someone here to meet you today." I hear the lady say to Tom. Harrison signals me to walk in. Making Tom look at us. "Y/n!! Emily!!" He says pecking my lips before carrying Emily. "She has really grown up now. Ohmygosh! Looks like another baby Holland is on the way too." She says. "Yes. Y/n's due soon." Tom says.

"What a surprise you guys came here today." Tom says walking back. "Although I am a bit dissappointed that you took that risk to come here." He says with a change of tone. "Should we get home?" He asks. I check my phone to see a message from Harrison. All set for Tom's surprise birthday party. "Sure." I reply.

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone screams out when we open the door frightening Emily a bit. "Happy birthday." I say.

The party was going great. "I'll get some more drinks." I say taking out the empty plastic cups into the kitchen. Throwing out the used ones, I start arranging the new set of cups. "Hey." I hear Tom say. "You like the party?" I ask. "It's lovely." He says coming closer to me. "Was this the secret?" He asks. I laugh nodding my head.

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