"The boyfriend tag!" - Tom Holland

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You set the camera at the right angle as you sit back on the sofa. "Tom hurry up!" You yell out as you wait for your boyfriend to join you for your youtube video. "I'm here. I'm here." He says jumping over the sofa from behind and sitting next to you. "Okay ready?" You ask him as he cutely nods his head.

"Hi everyone

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"Hi everyone. Today I'm here with Tom Holland-" You begin to speak but gets interrupted by Tom as he leans towards the camera. "Her BOYFRIEND!!" He says loudly before going back to his usual seating position and giving you a look to continue. "My boyfriend. So I have got some questions ready since many of them wanted to know about our relationship and mostly the sweet things you do." You say. "I am always sweet." He says.

"What was our first date?" You ask checking out a question from the piece of paper. "Um, was it at the beach or at the movies?" He asks looking at you. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Just kidding babe. It was at the beach. It was after some event with Harrison. My mate, Harrison introduced us." He says as he proudly mentioned his best friend. "Wait. Our publicly date was at the Captain America Civil War premiere. We denied everything." He says.

"What is something of me that you don't like?" You ask

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"What is something of me that you don't like?" You ask. "Sometimes you wear these long heels and become taller than me and I do not like it." He says with a frown. "It was just one heel and I don't even wear it anymore babe. It was Zendayas." You say laughing. "You got those from her just to make me pout and frown?" He asks. "Maybe." You say to which he still stays frowning.

"Who made the first move?" You ask reading the next question. "I did." He says proudly as he puts his arms around your shoulder to kiss your cheeks. "Yes that's true. It's like he had the whole thing planned in his head but he was such a nervous baby when he actually had to do it." You say with a small laugh. He buries his face in the crook of your neck feeling shy suddenly.

"Can we finish this off now?" He mumbles softly. "Okay last question. What's your favourite thing about me?" You ask. "I love everything about you. Yes that does include the times when you get all moody and sometimes annoying but I still love you for that." He says hugging you.

"Alright. That was it for the boyfriend tag. Sorry it wasn't that much questions. Tom was starting to blush so we have to end it right here. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Bye." You say waving at the camera while Tom did the same thing.

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