Secrets & a green dress - Harrison

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"You wearing the black dress or the olive green dress? I think the olive green dress." Tom says in one breath. "Zendaya joining as well?" You ask confused since Tom had asked you as his plus one to the event. "Yeah. She will be getting late. Her flight got delayed." Tom says. "Yes, Harrison will also be there. He has to. He has been so busy lately tho." Tom says. "I think its just that he is leaving to Paris next week." You say taking a guess.

"You excited for the publishing job?" Tom asks breaking the silence in the car ride. "Yeah I guess. I get to know the celebrity tea before it gets spilled." You say jokingly. "Please share mine beforehand." Tom saying making you laugh.

You let Tom walk to the event from the main entrance and you take the back entrance. Not in such a mood to face all the flashing cameras. "Harrison." You say as you spot him. He quickly puts his phone in his pocket and reaches for your hand. Passing through several groups of people you end up in a spare changing room or it was just a big closet.

He locks the door behind him. He had on a black jacket over a white shirt half buttoned exposing his bare chest with a silver necklace. He was quick enough it attack your lips with his. Everything becoming full of heat and desperation. Green definitely was a colour.

"C'mon. We should get back before they know we are missing." Harrison says adjusting your hair and leaving a deep kiss on your lips. You take a few minutes to adjust your hair and leave after Harrison.

"Hei." You say greeting Tom at the table. "Who gave you that hickey?" Tom asks wide eyed. Harrison looked at you with shock as well. "It was there before. Probably." You say trying to cover it with your hair. You glance towards Harrison to find lipstick stains on his shirt collar. His hair was messy than how it was styled before but it still looked good. Your thoughts gets interrupted when a girl greets and sits next to Harrison. They seem to be close than just friends.

You tried to ignore them and enjoy the event but it was becoming all confusing to you. You could see her reach out to his hand under the table. Her face getting close to his face to whisper made you finally take the decision to leave. "Tom, I have an early morning appointment tomorrow. So I'm gonna get going." You try to escape with a lie. "Y/n, you don't have an appointment. I have to wait back but Harrison can drop you." Tom says to which you shake your head. With a sigh Tom finally lets you leave.

Your eyes begin to water as you struggled to find your keys to the apartment. "Here." Harrison says opening the door for you. You kept your head low and walk towards your room. Did he come after you to explain? To your surprise Harrison walks past you to his room. Not a single word said. You wait thinking he was gonna pop in your room but instead you hear the main door close. Tears started to flow down your cheeks.

"Hello?" You answer Tom. "You got home safe? Harrison made sure you got home safe." Tom says. "Yeah. I'm safe at home. See you in a while." You say quickly hanging up.

The next morning it was just you and Tom at breakfast.
"Where's Haz?" You question.
"He left to Paris." Tom says.
"What? I thought he was leaving next week." You say in shock.
"Yeah. He said he just had to go early for something. Some event. He didn't say much." Tom says.

A few days pass by and you were already busy with your job. It was only a temporary job. "Hey, Y/n. You are close with Tom's friend. Harrison?" A girl you don't clearly remember the name of asks you. "It depends. I just helped them out on set a few times. Doesn't mean I know everything about that." You lie. "You will at least hear some gossip. Dig into these." She says passing you a pile of papers.

The moment you saw the pictures on it clearly you knew this job definitely wasn't for you. It was pictures of Harrison with a girl in Paris. She was the same girl from the event few nights ago. "I heard he has been dating her for quiet a while now." Your co-worker next to you says. As you flip through the pictures you could tell someone was clearly stalking them. "So you know anything about it?" The girl from earlier asks. "No. Not at all. I never heard about it." You said honestly. "Bummer." She says taking back the papers with her. Glad you didn't have to deal with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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