Never thought you'd do it - Sam Holland (Requested)

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It was just another night of trying to stay up. An empty cup of coffee and a book not bothered to touch on the table. Sighing you get up to go to bed. It was past 2am and Sam was still not back home. He had said he was out with Harry but Harry came by to give you some muffins he has made (idk 🤷‍♀️)

You dial his number for the fifth time. "Hello. Who is this?" You hear a female voice ask as she giggled. Muffled voices could be heard in the background close to her. "Stop it." She said. "Hello?" You hear Sam answer this time. You hung up immediately. Getting up from the bed you grab a suitcase throwing his clothes in.

You never knew he would do such a thing. He has always been really sweet with you. Sometimes it's just hard to trust anyone with anything they have done. You never know what turn it could take.

Leaving little love notes early in the morning on days he had to leave before you woke up but he always got home late covered in another women's perfume.

If he decides to come back then he can take his things and leave soon. You think as you keep the suitcase in the living room. A place where he can easily spot it.

You wake up with the morning cold. The window was left open a little and the room has gotten cold. You had cried yourself to sleep and the stained tears was making you shiver. Changing into clean clothes and after you freshened up you walk outside to make yourself some breakfast.

Upon seeing the suitcase all the memories start to come to you but you tried your best to push it away. It will be his loss for losing you.

"Hey babe." You hear Sam say as he saw you entering the kitchen as he closes the apartment door behind him. You didn't reply as you made yourself busy making coffee. "What's with the suitcase? You going somewhere?" He asks walking into the kitchen. "No. You are." You say. "What?" He asks with a confused expression but laughs a little thinking you were playing a prank on him. "You are." You repeat again. "Okay. Where am I going?" He asks folding his arms. "To your new girlfriend. To her place." You say walking past him with your cup of coffee.

"Y/n wait!" He says as he run after you to the living room. "I can explain." He says. "You really can't. You don't even have a valid reason to what you did. So just leave." You say. With that he was out of the apartment.

Weeks passed by and you stayed in. Crying. Scared to go out. Afraid that you might bump into him with his new girlfriend.

"Y/n. It's Harry. Open up." You hear Harry's voice with the knocks on the door but you ignored it as you sat on the balcony floor with a pile of tissues. "Hey." You hear him say softly standing by the door. He looked sad and worried about you. "Sam's in a terrible state too." He says but realizes it wasn't the best thing he should have said. "He ruined it." You say. "I know and he knows. He's willing to try and make things better if you give him another chance." He says sitting down next to you.

"No. I lost myself loving someone else more than I should have. I did everything to keep him happy and this is what I get. I don't know where I went wrong but maybe I didn't. I don't want to give him another chance." You say with a broken smile. Harry nods his head with your decision.

He was mad at his brother for breaking your heart. "You'll be fine." He says with a small smile. Maybe you lost someone you loved dearly but that's not the end of the world. You had a lot planned you wanted to do for yourself.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now