Harrison imagine - We're gonna be a family

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"Y/n!! I'm so surprised to see you." Tom says rushing towards you. You shush him before he could scream in excitement gaining attention towards the both of you. "What brings you here?" He asks. You were at the filming set. "I um, I-" You stumble upon words to say. "Wait. You look different. Are you?" He asks taking a step back and looking at you. You lift your head up but your expression fades away as you see Harrison with a girl.

"Y/n?" Tom says snapping his fingers in front of your face which caught Harrison's attention. "I- I have to go." You say turning your back and running towards the door. "No wait." Tom says grabbing his jacket and running behind you.

"I'll give you a lift and you have to tell me everything." He says catching up with you. Sighing you give in and tell him to take you to your apartment.

"You can't tell Harrison where I live. Okay?" You say unlocking the door. "Wow. This place looks amazing." He says. You stare at him. "Yeah. Yeah. I won't tell him." He says.

"Tea?" You ask. "I'll make some. Take a seat." He says. "Fine." You say. "So you were gonna tell him. Right?" He asks. "Yeah but now I don't know." You say playing around with the hem of your dress. "Why not?" He asks. "He seems to have moved on." You say. "No he still have not moved on." Tom says in a hurry.

"Or I could tell him." He says taking a sip from his cup. "What? No. No." You say. "Maybe he knew already. You are starting to show. So he must have seen you." He says making you get nervous.

"C'mon y/n. It's good news!!" He says. "Maybe it is for you." You say a bit sternly which was not intentional. "Sorry." You apologise as Tom sat quietly.

"It's okay. I have to go for an interview in a while." He says giving you a smile. "Just let me know if you need any help. Yeah?" He says getting up from the stool. You nod your head in response.

Back at the set Harrison wasn't too happy with the disappearance of Tom. "You are late." He says to which Tom shrugged his shoulders.

After a couple of work related questions the interviewer changed to personal questions. "Is it true that Harrison's girlfriend or ex girlfriend is pregnant?" She asks making Tom immediately look towards Harrison who looked confused. He stumbled upon some words before clearing out a question towards her. "Why you ask me that?" He asks. "Well, Harrison is your assistant and there hasn't really been anything new going on between him and y/n for months-" Tom interrupts her rather annoyed. "So you think something big like her being pregnant could be a reason other than maybe they broke up?" He asks frustrated. "Some pictures have been circulating the internet from earlier this morning. You were with her. Are you saying Harrison and y/n had broken up?" She asks. Tom's frustration grew big as he walks out.

"What's going on?" Harrison asks walking behind Tom into the dressing room. "Nothing." He replies simply. "That was her you ran after today. Right?" He asks. Tom sighs. "Take me to her." Harrison says sternly. "She won't like that. Give her time?" Tom suggests. "Time? It's been months." Harrison says. Picking up his phone he dials your number. With a few rings you decide to pick it up.

"You got something to tell me?" Harrison asks right away with not a proper greeting. Tom facepalms before taking the phone from him. "Calm down first. I think you scared her." Tom says. "Then go and tell her I didn't mean to." Harrison says. Tom nodded his head before running towards his car to drive to your place.

"Tom?" You ask surprised as he stand by the door looking scared. "You okay?" You ask letting him in. "Um, yeah. Are you okay? Did Harrison scare you?" He asks. "I picked up and then ended it immediately. I thought I could do it." You say. He sighs in relief. "You could have called to ask that instead of driving here when it's getting late." You say. "I know but I had to make sure." He says with a giggle.

The next morning loud frantic knocks wakes you up. "I'm coming. I'm coming." You say walking towards the door as you put your hair in a messy bun. "Felix I told you-" You begin to say while opening the door thinking its your neighbour. "Harrison?" You ask looking up. Your eyes trying to open fully. "Can I come in?" He asks. "Um, yeah. Sure." You say opening the door wider. "You had breakfast?" He asks. You frown."it's 7 in the morning. I just woke up and-" you stop talking as you feel lightheaded and move towards the wall.

"I'll make breakfast." He says starting to make himself at home.

"Why are you here?" You ask sitting down at the kitchen island as he starts to make breakfast. "I wanted answers." He says. "Okay." You say.

"Here." He says placing a glass of juice in front of you. You take a few sips as he stood on the other side. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. "We had broken up." You say. "It's my child isn't it? You could have told me." He asks. "Yes I know but things didn't end very nicely for us." You say. "I had the right to know." He says softly.

"Can I go get the rest of my sleep and you can leave." You say standing up but tightly holding onto the edge of the stool. "Let me just make breakfast. Take care of you and go to the doctors or do some shoppings." He says helping you sit down. "Why are you being like this? Where were you before? You didn't care then." You say a bit harshly not quiet sure if it's the hormones or you were just angry. "You wasn't there when i needed you the most." You stay with your voice cracking. "Hey hey. Don't cry. Please don't cry. I was scared. I was scared that I would be hurting you more. I made Tom keep contact with you but he said you started ignoring him and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where you lived but I'm happy that you showed up even if it's after months. I'm really happy to see you." He says hugging you.

"I'm not forcing you to stay." You begin to say but he cuts you off. "I want to stay. I'm mad at myself for not being their for you in the worst times but now that I know, I want to be there all the time. We are going to be a family." He says kissing your forehead. You nod your head agreeing to him as he moved away from the hug to make breakfast

"Taste good?" He asks. "As always." You reply with. Smile. "I'd do anything to stay in your life and the baby's life. Please." He says. "Could you come to the doctors appointment today?" You ask. "You don't even have to ask. I'll be there for every single one of them." He says smiling. "The doctor really creeps me out." You say as he just chuckles.

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