Prompt: I need a place to stay - Harrison

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You vigorously search through your bag hoping to find your apartment key but no luck. The backup hidden key was inside as well. Frustrated you leave the building walking the dark and cold streets. You had no idea where you were going. Your mind a blurry mess of thoughts. College was a stressful pain and trying to handle things happening back at home was not an easy task.

You end up in front of Harrison's apartment. Two knocks on the door and Harrison yells out he was coming to answer the door. "Y- Y/n? What happened?" He asks worried looking at your tear stained face and the tears threatening to fall. Your hair a mess from the wind and your body shivering from the cold. You couldn't form any words and Harrison stood with a blank look trying to figure out your answer. "Life stuff?" He asks. You nod your head.

"Come in. No wait. Let's go out." He says changing his mind as he grab his coat. "Let's get you cheered up first." He says grabbing your hand and walking towards his car.

After a 15 minute drive he stops in front of a small cafe. "This place isn't even open." You say but he was already out of the door waving at someone inside the cafe. "C'mon love." He says dragging you inside the place.

A hand gesture and a nod was how the order was placed. You frown at him as you just wanted to stay in bed. "Here." The boy says placing a mini blueberry pie on the table. "It will cheer you up and then we'll talk." He says. You knew he wouldn't stop until you ate it so you take a small bite of it. It did lighten up your mood a little but it still left you tired.

"So what happened?" He asks once you were half way done with the pie. "Everything is getting too much. I lost my apartment key and college is stressful. I'm a mess." You say. He nods his head as you put the last piece in your mouth. "I need a place to stay." You say when he didn't reply. "You can always stay at my place you know. You don't have to ask. Get your mind cleared. You need rest and we can deal with the other things tomorrow. Yeah?" He says. You nod your head with a small smile.

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