Without Me (Requested)

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Things took an unexpected turn when that boy moved in next door. He found you when your heart was broken. He went through things so much just to keep you close and he was afraid to leave you alone in the dark.

He had said he would always be there to catch you when you fall and if others laugh, just to ignore them. You wanted to do something for him. For everything he had done for you for the years. You knew how much he had wanted to be cast in that movie. You remembered how much he was panicking and being nervous. You had a little trick of your own. One the movie directors was your friend. It was him who had suggested Tom for the role. After he had found out about it, he wanted you to help him get more roles. You didn't think much at the time. Always thought that you were returning the favour to him but little did you know that he was taking advantage of you for his success in his career.

You stand by the window watching the sun set ending another day. Thinking of Tom. How he is feeling sitting up there far away from you. You thought he wouldn't be able to live without you. You sure didn't at first.

You loved him over a hundred tries with every argument. Every negative thing that happened. You took all his worries and made them as your own.

You found out all about his intentions with you from your friend. You felt like your love was blind.

"That's not true. You know that." Tom says again. "Doesn't seem like it. You are always talking about that. It's never about us." You say holding back the tears. "Maybe it isn't anymore." With that he was out of the door. Walking out forever.

The sudden ringing of the telephone made you snap out of your thoughts. "Hello?" You answer wiping away the tears from your face. "Y/n?" You hear that familiar voice. "Tom?" You question. "You don't have to say about what you did. I already know. I had to go and find it out from them. So tell me. How does it feel? Do you ever get lonely? Thinking you could live without me. Baby, I'm the one who put you up there. I don't know why." You say starting to cry. You hung up not even wanting to hear his reply.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now