62. Accidently gone public

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"Ohmygod!!" I say as I walk inside my hotel room to find a Dior shopping bag on my bed. "What is this?" I ask talking to myself. I held up a black dress as I admire it. "You like it?" With a camera flash, came in Tom's voice. "Harry do you have to take pictures of everything?" I ask. "Tom, wanted it." He says pointing at Tom who froze with his eyes wide. Not so secret anymore. "Alright. You go to your room." He says sending Harry out. "So you like it?" He asks walking towards me. "I love it!" I say hugging the dress.

"Get ready. We're leaving in two hours." He says. "Wait what? Where?" I ask confused. "The premier party. You know." He says. "Oh. I didn't know I had to go." I say nervous. "Don't worry. You'll be hanging around with Harrison and Harry." He says. "Oh yeah." I say. Tom and I havn't gone public about our relationship yet although we have been dating for almost a year now. I always avoided public events with him. This being the first it was making me really nervous.

"Tom you don't have to take pictures every 5 minutes you know." I say as I sat down to make my hair. "You just look really pretty and these are for your instagram stories." He says. "I feel nervous." I say. "You'll be fine baby." He says kissing my forehead.

"Hello everyone. I am in Paris and we are getting ready to go the premier party!!" He says into his insta live. Tom frowns as he looks down at his phone to see some strange comments.

"Who's that girl?"
"Oh my god!!"
"Is that your girlfriend?"
"Who is she?"

"Tom you okay?" I ask as I see him frozen by the mirror. His phone aiming towards me. Before I could answer Harrison barges into the room taking the phone from Tom. Realizing it was my phone he ends the live. "What just happened?" I ask. "I um, um, nothing. Nothing happened." Tom says. I look at Harrison who is holding my phone. "Wait.. Is that my phone? Did you go live on my phone??" I ask shocked. "I didn't know it was your phone. I was so lost in the moment. I'm sorry." Tom says. "No one knows about us yet right?" I ask. "We can watch the video." Harrison says as we surround around his phone.

"You'll be fine baby." We hear Tom say before greeting himself into the phone. "Really Tommy?" I ask. He shrugs. "I can tell she's m-" Before Harrison could finish his sentence Tom speaks. "SHE'S MINE!!" "I was going to say bestfriend." Harrison finishes. "Oh. SHE'S MINE!" Tom says again.

"What do we do now?" I ask. "We tell the world you are mine." Tom says as he grabs my hand walking towards the door. "What?" I say. "It's about time we tell them and I don't want to hide it anymore." He says. "Okay. I'm ready." I say smiling. He leaves a small peck on my lips. "Aww. Now let's go." Harrison says pushing us both. "Wait. My purse." I say. "My stuff too." Tom says. "I'll get it. Keep you two alone here and we won't ever get there on time." Harrison says as both laugh.

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