Moody jealous Tom [Requested]

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"I don't get why we have to leave two weeks before the party? What are we going to do for two weeks? We can barely stand them talking about family drama for a day even." You whine as you place back the invitation back in the envelope. "Just come up with an excuse. Say Tom got busy with filming and you guys managed to get free just a day before the party." Your brother, Jake says. "That doesn't sound so bad actually." You say looking at Tom who only looked away. Odd. "Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow." You say getting up to give a hug to him.

"Wait. Why don't we all go for dinner tonight?" He suggests. "Yeah sure. I'll go tell Tom." You say as you made your way to tell him. "We thought of going out for dinner. Harrison wanna join?" You ask as Harrison pops up next to him. "Yeah I'm in. Jake tells funny stories." He says looking behind me. "I'm too tired." Tom says. "Oh come on. Food will give you strength." Harrison says. "Fine." Tom replies a little annoyed.

The dinner was going well for the three of you except for Tom. He would glare at you and Jake every time you punched his shoulder or if he steals food from your plate. "Stop looking so grumpy." Harrison whispers to Tom.

"Why are you being so quiet?" You ask Tom as he tried to unlock the apartment door. "Just tired." He replies. He makes his way towards the shower.

You were starting to get annoyed with his behaviour. It was the same thing every morning. He would be all moody and would skip breakfast. "What is up with you?" You ask. "Nothing I'm just really stressed out with work." He says. "You are still getting that week off right?" You ask. "Maybe." He says. "I don't mind if you get like a day or two off. That'll be fine too." You say. "A week with me is too long?" He asks making you surprised with what he had just said. "What? No. It's for my niece's party. Remember?" You ask. "Yeah sure. Why would I have to go if Jake is going?" He asks. "Because he-" You begin to speak but he stops you. "Doesn't matter. I'm tired of seeing you all be so close than you are with anyone and I don't think I want to go that party with you. I would just be on the side." He says grabbing his bag and leaves.

"Why are you saw tensed up?" Harrison asks Tom once he has arrived at the set. "Nothing." He replies. "Where's Y/n today?" Harrison asks. "She's at home." Tom replies annoyed. "Hey Tom. Y/n isn't picking up her phone. Is she okay? Did something happen?" Jake asks. Harrison figured out what could be the reason and replies to Jake. "I'll check up on her." He says holding Tom's hand before he could do any harm.

"Are you jealous of Y/n spending time with her brother?" Harrison asks once Jake was out of sight. "Her brother?" Tom asks. "Yeah. That's her brother." Harrison says rolling his eyes. "You think I can run back home and come real quick?" Tom asks. "You were 15 minutes late when you arrived but sure." Harrison says. "I'll be back in an hour." Tom says running off.

"Babe?" You hear Tom say as he barges through the door. "I'm so so sorry about this morning. I was moody." He says not wanting to tell you the exact reason but Harrison had already texted about it. "It's okay. It happens." You say with a smile.

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