19. Actress?

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I walk around quietly rocking my hands trying to put Emily to sleep. No luck. She has been crying all night. Its freaking me out. Tom's mom has gone on a vacation and I didn't want to call her at this hour to worry her. I call up Tom twice but he has been out working late on his new movie. I took the baby bottle with the warm milk and try to feed her. She wouldn't drink a bit even. On the verge of tears I heard the main door close and lock. A tired looking Tom walks towards us. "Tom." I say my voice breaking as I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "Baby calm down. Its okay." He says taking Emily from me and walking towards the sofa. Withing a few minutes he puts her to sleep and I sit there just staring. How did he put her to sleep so easily? Where did I go wrong? What did I do? Does she hate me?

"Y/n, you are an amazing mum and she was just having some mood changes I guess." He says trying to not make me feel down. "Let's go to bed. Yeah?" He says getting up and walking to Emily's room to put her in her crib. "She has grown a lot within the past 3 months. Hasn't she?" Tom says staring at the little girl sleeping. "Yeah." I say. "Get some sleep Y/n, you will feel better in the morning. Yeah?" He says kissing my forehead.

"There's this umm.. role in the new movie.." He speaks munching on a toast as I lose my focus to the worse scenes in a movie. "Y/n?" He says. "Huh?" I reply back coming to my senses. "What do you think of the role? I'm thinking of putting Emily in that role." He says putting the last bit of toast in his mouth. I sigh in relief. "You okay?" He asks. Did I sigh too loudly? I think to myself. "Our daughters first movie." I say smiling. "Her scenes filming starts today so I want to take you both to work." He says. "I'll get her ready." I say as I walk to Emily's room to pack up some accessories of hers before grabbing her to put on some cute outfit. Tom cleared the table and came back to join us. "Wow. My two favourite girls looking gergeous." He says. "You are so cheesy sometimes, Holland." I say giggling. "Alright lets go then." He says.

Tom parked his car near the filming venue. He carried Emily with a blanket over her as I carry the bags. Out of no where camera flashes blinded my eyes. Thanks to Tom who guided me into the building safely. "I bet the fans are dying to see the baby." He says. There have been so many comments and messages sent on our social media accounts asking If I had given birth or how the baby is like. None of posted a full picture of the baby since we didn't want the media's attention on her at this time. It was only a few weeks ago we even decided to post a little sneak peak of her. Which obviously is making everyone go crazy now.

Tom led us to his changing room to keep the bags. I walk out through the set with him holding Emily. "You must be Mrs.Holland. Nice to meet you. Tom here can be a handful sometimes." The director says greeting us. "So this is my daughter Emily for the role you told me about yesterday." Toms speaks about his daughter proudly. Soon we were crowded by the whole cast to see Emily.

Once Tom's scenes were done he came to grab Emily right after she woke uo from her nap. Which makes a bit moody at times. "Harrison!! Still Tom's assistent?" I say teasing him. "You bet that right. Always will be." He says proudly. As I was speaking to Haz Emily's cries filled the room. Tom rushes to the room to get her baby bottle. Harrison and I both walk towards the room. "I got her babe." He says walking out to the set feeding her as he talked about his script.

"You got one lucky guy there." Harrison says. "Yes I do." I say smiling widely.

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