21. Spider

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Cleaning the house can be so tiring at times. Well maybe most of the times. "Tom, can you get the boxes to the kitchen and unpack them?" I say pointing to all the kitchen ware boxes. "I'm on it." He says carrying them with his muscular arms. I clean up the wardrobe in the room when I heard a high pitch girl like scream coming from the kitchen.

I run towards the kitchen to find an open box, one broken plate and a terrified Tom on the counter top. "What was that for?" I ask. "The....ther...there.. a.... spi....SPIDER!!" He screams out the spider. I slowly look inside the box to find a huge spider on the corner of the box. I sit on a stool next to the counter top. "You get eid of it. You are the guy." I say to Tom. "Yeah but.. but.. Let's take turns on this. Okay? You do it this time." He says. "How about you slowly close the box and I will just tape it up?" I say. "Yeah that's great. You close it I tape it." He says. "To do that you have to get down from there." I say. He slowly got down from the counter and stood three feet away from the box. I close the lids as fast as I could and Tom taped it. "What do we do with this now?" I ask. "Let's send it to Harrison." He says with a cheeky smile. "Can't believe spiderman is scared of spiders. You got on your foot even." I say to which he screams again and jumps onto the kitchen counter. "Honey, I meant the tattoo." I say. "Oh yeah. Of course." He says chuckling.

The rest of the afternoon went nicely until Tom accidently opened the box wih the spider again. His high pitch laugh echoing through the whole apattment. "Y/N!! ITS NOT EVEN THERE ANYMORE!!" He screams running to the room. "Okay I did it the first time so you do it this time." I say folding my arms. He gives a pout but tried to man up with this. After a few minutes he came smiling widely. "What?" I ask rising an eyebrow. "It was just on the corner of the box which I didn't see. I mailed it to Harrison." He says with a cheeky smile. I shake my head laughing at how he just sent that to him.

After a week or so we got a box Harrison addressed to Tom. "I think its all the fan mail for me at his place." He says tearing off the wrapping paper. "AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!" Screams Tom again. "What? What? What did they send you?" I say. "ITS TWO HUGE SPIDERS!!!" He screams. "Wait.. Are you filming this? You knew about this? Y/n whhhyyyyy???" He says pouting. "You are cute when you are scared." I say. Harrison barges in and laughs at Tom. "Don't break the table man." He says inbetween laughs. "Can you take the box away please." He asks as sweet as he could. Instead Harrison took one spider and threw at Tom. Another high pitch scream. "Dude chill. Its fake." He says but Tom was so not in a mood for jokes. He storms off to the room yelling, "I hate you guys." before slaming the door.

Me and Harrison sit on the sofa watching some weird show on TV and arguing about how stupid the show is. Tom comes out and joins me on the sofa. Hugging me on the side before whispering, "I'm sorry. I love you." I reply with a kiss.

"SPIDER!!" Harrison yells pointing at Tom's feet which were on the table. He immedietly put them close to him. "Dude. I was just talking about the tattoo." He said. Tom chuckles. "So what did you guys do with the video?" he asks. Me and Harrison looked at each other with wide eyes. "I forgot I have to go meet a friend." "Yeah me too." We both say getting up and rushing out of the door with our coats leaving a very confused Tom. "You think he'll be mad at us for posting it on instagram?" I ask. "Nah." Harrison replies as we both wait for the lift to come. Before you know it a screaming Tom is running towards us. "Y/N!! HARRISON!!" He screams as we both run to take the stairs. With my stupid high boots I fall down tripping over my own foot. "Gotcha!!" He says carrying me over the shoulder. "Bye Harrison." He says.

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