38. Expecting again.

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"So how many places are you going again?" I ask. "3 continents in 2 months babe." He says chuckling. "Daddy." Emily says pulling her arms out to Tom. "Aww.. I'll miss you too princess." Tom says. He puts her on her high chair before taking out a spoonfull of her food. I covered my mouth with my hand with the smell as I hurried towards the bathroom. "Babe, you okay?"Tom says.

After throwing up my breakfast, I had to the table to see all the plates gone. "Tom?" I say as I walk into the kitchen to see him doing the dishes. "Tom, I can do it. You have a plane to catch in a few hours." I say trying to make him stop. "Are you sick Y/n? Will you be fine when I'm gone?" He asks concerned. "Yeah. I think I ate too much." I lie.

"You sure, love?" Tom asks at the door. I nod kissing him goodbye. He kiss Emily on the forehead before waving bye. "Daddy will be back soon." I say calming down a teary Emily. She's almost a year and a half now and seems like she could be getting a brother or a sister soon.

"Y/n!!" Tom's mom greets as she joins us for some evening tea. "Am I getting another grandchild, Y/n?" She says excitedly making me choke on my tea. "I don't know." I reply. "Well, Tom told me how sick you have been lately and all those things he said are what you go through during pregnancy. I'm surprised he didn't get the thought of that. I mean Emily is here. He should know. Right?" She says making me feel really uneasy. "I did a test a while ago and it was positive but I can't say for sure." I say. Her excitement grows wide as she takes out her phone. "No no no. Don't tell anyone yet." I say. "I was just going to make an appointment for you." She says. "Oh."

"Congratulations! You are 2 months pregnant." The doctor says. "You hear that Emily. You are gonna get a sibling." His mom says to Emily. "When will you tell Tom?" She asks on the ride home. "Don't know yet" I say unsure.

I sit down on the sofa watching an interview of Tom. "So has it been like being away from your family?" The interviewer asks. "I miss them a lot. I do call them but nkt as much as I want to because of the busy schedule." Tom replies. "Emily has grown up now. Are you planning on having another one soon?" The interviewer asks him. "Umm.. Actually no. I mean, I'm happy with Emily but the thought of another baby stresses me out with the busy schedule." He replies. I turn it off immedietly. He doesn't want another baby. I sit there thinking a way to tell him somehow and also to hide the growning belly.

"Y/n what are all these pictures on the internet?" Tom asks through the end of the video call. "What pictures?" I ask. "Are you pregnant?" He asks sighing. Before I could answer Emily begins to cry. "I have to go. Emily woke up." I say ending the call.

-Tom's P.O.V-
Y/n ended the call with the cries of Emily. She seems so hesitent to tell me something. "You okay there?" Harrison asks. "Yeah. How can I make this trip short?" I ask. Before I could get am answer my mom calls. "Hi mom." I say. "I'm so excited to meet my next grandchild." She says excited. "Y/n's pregnant?" I ask. "Tom, I'm surprised you didn't figure it out when she was getting sick." She says. I facepalm to myself. I end the call and figure out a way to make my trip short. "Harrison, I have to skip the next interviews and stuff and fly home right now." I say. "Woah woah. What's going on?" Harrison asks. "Y/n's pregnant and I think she saw my interview." I say. "Oh that ain't good." Harrison says picking up his phone to make calls.

I cancel the rest of the interviews as I take the next flight home. "Calm down." harrison says. "She is so down already. Its all my fault." I say holding up a small gift I managed to get.

"Tom?" She says surprised that I'm home early. I hug her immedietly. "Y/n, I'm so sorry I left like that when you were sick and I made it worse with the whole interview. I'm sorry. I do want another baby." I say. "Oh and here. Let's sit down first." I say holding up the gift and dragging her to the sofa. "Tom.." She starts but I stop her by kissing her.

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