"Awkward brunch." - Tom Holland

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You were frantically picking up your clothes from the floor as you curse to yourself in your head. Picking up everything you open the door quietly and take a quick glance at figure still fast asleep on the bed. Walking into the hallway, you put on your heels and quietly jogs towards the lift.

There was no one inside so you took your chance to fix your hair and make-up through the mirror inside. You felt bad to leave him like that. He was a lovely boy whom you had a wonderful time with but sleeping with him was not what you had in mind.

You finally made it to your flat to get ready to meet up with your friend for brunch. You were panicking as you had only half an hour to get ready. Trying hard to push the thoughts of the boy for a later time.

You arrive at the restaurant at gaze around to find your friend. A wave catches your attention and you smile as you make way towards the table giving her a hug greeting her. "I'm sorry I'm late." You apologise. "You're not late. Just in time." She says taking a sip of water from her glass. "You're boyfriend not coming?" You ask watching the waiter fill your glass with water. "He had to go do some errands." She says with a little frown. "So tell me about you." She says sitting up straight and resting her chin in her palms. "Nothing much happens in my life." You reply avoiding her glare and keeping your eyes on the menu. "You slept with someone!!" She says louder than usual. "Sshh." You say shushing her feeling embarrassed. "Who is the guy?" She asks. "Someone. He's sweet." You say.

Your friend waves her hand to someone stopping you from describing the boy from the other night. Your eyes went wide as you stare a the familiar boy walking towards the table. He takes a seat right in front of you. "Y/n, this is Tom. I worked with him a few times." She says introducing you to him. He pits his hand forward for a handshake. Casually and not a single nervous move. "Its nice to meet you." He says shaking your hand. "You too." You say softly.

"How was the party last night? I heard you disappeared with a girl." Your friend says to Tom making him chuckle and you look at him surprised and scared. "Hehe. Yeah." He says. Your friend demands for more details and you kept on taking sips from your drink every time. "He has to call when things get too interesting." Your friend says picking up a call which was most likely from her boyfriend.

"Tommy boy, you have to tell me about this girl soon. I can tell she was something with the look on your face. The blush and the shyness." She says getting up and picking a piece of garlic bread from her plate. "It's okay. I got it." Tom says stopping your friend from paying for the brunch. "Always a darling Tom." She says ruffling his hair.

"You know it's funny..." Tom starts to speak as soon as your friend had left. "Yeah?" You ask nervously. "I'm sorry I left like that. I forgot about meeting her for brunch." You say letting go of the guilt. "It's okay. You left your lipstick and went." He says placing a lipstick on the table. "Must have fallen from my person. Anyways, um, what were you saying before?" You ask. "Uh yeah. Your friend told me she would put me on a date with her good friend before she left. She didn't say a name just said I would love her. Guess she was talking about you." He says looking at you making you blush.

"Want to go for a walk?" He asks picking up his wallet to pay for the brunch. "In this hot afternoon?" You ask. "Or you could come to my place." He asks giving you a wink. You giggle as you get up moving towards him and locking his fingers in yours.

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