26. Fight

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Tom had invited me for the set today since he didn't want me to be all alone at home after what happened at the restaurent. I walk around greeting some of the cast members as Tom introduces them to me.

"Alright I'm off to film. Stay by Harrison. Okay?" He says kissing my forehead. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." I say. I join Harrison as he pass me a bite from his sandwich. "Seems okay." I say. "Yeah I know. Just hungry." He replies. "There are so many people here. I don't know most of them." I say. Harrison giggles before replying. "Thkse are some extra actors they got for the scene today. Oh and I have to go drop my mom to the airport in a while. Will you be alright?" He asks eating the last bit of the sandwich. I nod. "Tom's almost done." He says beford leaving.

I decide to grab some snack from the snack bar. "Hi there." Came a voice behind me. "Hello?" I say trying to be nice. "What a pretty girl doing here alone? Extra actress on the set?" He asks. He kept coming closer and closer. I kept taking a step back until my back touched the wall and couldn't move. As he starts to near his face towards me I try to push him off. But his grip on my hands held tight. "Stop. It hurts." I say. "Or what?" He says with attitude. "Or her boyfriend will kick your ass." Says Tom walking towards us. Furious. He pulled him off from me by the collar of his shirt. "When she says to stop, you stop and stay away from my girlfriend." He says.

Before things could end peacefully the guy punched Tom on the head. "Tom!!" I cried out his name running to stop them. While trying to stop them I fall down. One of the cast members helped me up while two others tried to seperate them.

"You didn't have to do that." I say trying to stop his bleeding nose. "I had to." He replies softly. "Tom I told you never to get in a physical fight like that." I say worried. "Nobody treats my girl like that." He says lifting his head up to look at me with a half smile.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now