12. Awkward Shopping rush

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Oh god. Its that time of the month and it has to say hola at me when I'm out of everything. I can feel the cramps starting to rush through my legs. I had only one option left. To call Tom.

"Hey baby! Can you do me a favour?" I ask on the phone as sweet as I can. "Sure love. What is it?" He replies. "Umm.. Can you get me some that time of the month stuff and the list is on your phone just for emergencies like this. Love you. Bye." I say before he could say anything.

- Tom's P.O.V-

"Wait what? Y/n? Hello??" Oh great she hung up on me. I go through my phone to find a list of things she needs when its that time of the month. Wow. Wait.. Dates? Eating dates or just date dates?? Oh well.

I casually walk into the store in my evening attire and roam around through the sections. The whole store was filled with a lot of women and its so awkward. I grab a packet of biscuits instead and rush off. That was weird.

"What's that for?" Ask Zendaya with a weird face. "These... are.. for... you." I say handing it to her. "Are you scared to go buy some lady stuff?" She says. "Umm.. no. Why you say that?" I say trying to act natural as I can. "Your face says it all." She says chuckling and walking away. Its been almost an hour since filming has done and I'm still feeling awkward to go. "Hello?" I answer as Y/n calls. "WHERE ARE YOU?? ITS URGENT THOMAS!! ZENDAYA SAID YOU GUYS FINISHED WORK AN HOUR AGO!!" She screams into the phone. Well not technically scream but she was hella moody. "Umm.. Um.. Don't worry.. I'm on my way now." I say ending the call. C'mon Tom you got this. I get and sit back again. I looked around and found the best thing ever.

Okay maybe this is the weirdest thing ever. I mean you don't see spiderman buying pads/ tampons everyday. I gather the stuff and wait in line at the counter. Now I feel more awkward. They are all looking at me. Havn't you seen spiderman before?? Is it the lady products?? Oh god they might think I'm a women now. Finally I pay for the stuff and rush off.. Again.

-Y/n's P.O.V-

"What took you so long? Did you run? Your hair is all messy but sexy." I say as I take the bags from his hands. He just shrugs a bit and gets comfortable on the sofa watching some news channel.

/Could this be Tom Holland doing some errands for his lovely girlfriend or just one shy guy?/

Says the guy on the TV and Tom just sinks into the sofa as I stare at him. "Really honey? The suit??" I say. "Umm.. That's not me." He says. "All those things are the stuff in the bags you came home with." I say. He just stares at me. "Thanks. You're the best." I say kissing his cheeks making him blush. "I wonder if some people there would think Spiderman is a girl now." I say smiling making his eyes go wide.

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