5. Comfort

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[WARNING: Mental health and going through a terrible relationship. It's not about feeling all better having a s/o, Tom acts here as a friend helping the reader cope with a terrible relationship she is in and trying to get her out of it and give time for herself]

-Tom's P.O.V-
"Hello? Y/n?" I ask on the phone. No reply. She must have called by accident. I could hear her silent cries. Her muffled voices. I immedietly drive to her apartment.

"Y/n?" I call out to her as I walk in. Her small figure was curled up in a ball on the sofa. Her face wet from her tears. Her arms scratched. She must have gotten a panic attack. I caress her face hoping she will reply to me. No luck. I sit on the opposite sofa staring at her. Her phone lights up. Its her boyfriend. I go through the texts to find hurtful and forceful messages towards her. I have known her for a few months and I seem to understand her more than this bastard. He is so mean. Y/n always acts happy though but in reality she is hurting herself to keep someone else happy.

She slowly moves and put herself in a sitting position. She forces a smile. I smile back. "I'll prepare a warm bath for you. Okay? A good cup of tea and a fantastic book. Take your time" I say as I make her a bath. I made sure any sharp objects wasn't kept close to her.

"Refreshing?" I ask as she sits next to me nodding her head. "You okay now?" I ask breaking the silence. I kiss her forehead. She didn't reply. Her phone starts to ring. Her gaze falling to the lit screen with his caller id. Is she gonna pick up? No. She gets comfortable on the chair and breaks down. "I love him but I can't take this anymore" She cries. I hug her rubbing her back. "And I'll never be good enough to anyone. Am I that horrible?" She went on and on self doubting her. "Y/n, sshh.. You are not horrible. Stop doing this to yourself. Stop letting fear take over you. Its not good. Maybe its time to move on. You will get caring guys that understands you even if he says you wouldn't. He'll be the one regretting that he lost a beautiful girl like you. Trust me" I say hugging her.

"I love you"

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now