Prompt: Dogs don't wear clothes - Tom

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"Tom, have you seen that black skirt I have?" You ask as he walk into the bedroom but turns around to walk out immediately with your question and replying, "Uh, no."

"Thomas." You say his name sternly as he stops and turns to face you. "Yes?" He says. "Have you seen that skirt? Also one of my bows." You say with your hands resting on your hips. "You know, that skirt has gotten really short for you now. Bows?" He asks confused. "The hair clip bows." You say picking up a broken one to show him. "Oh that. I don't know." He says rushing out as Tessa barked from the siting room.

You walk out following behind Tom to see what he was up to. "What are you doing with my clothes?" You ask loudly causing Tom stand up and spin around in fright. "Why are there a bunch of my clothes here?" You ask pointing at a pile on the sofa. "N- nothing." He stutters trying to hide something behind him. "What are you trying to hide?" You ask pushing Tom aside to see Tessa wearing your black skirt and the bow on her head. "What is going on here?" You ask trying to hold in your laughter. "Um, dressing up Tessa." He says hoping not to get beaten up by you for taking your clothes. "Dogs don't wear clothes!" You say. "Yes they do wear clothes too Y/n." Tom says defending himself. "Yeah but not my clothes." You say rolling your eyes. "These are too small on you." He says picking up a small crop top. "That's a crop top. That's how it's supposed to be like." You say with a frown. "Oh. Well, I don't want you go wearing this outside." He says with a frown causing you to laugh.

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