Lips (Prinxiety)

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Roman had been trying so hard to hide it. He didn't want anyone to find out about his affections.

At first he tried insults. Names were always exchanged along with many "I don't like you"s between them. Unfortunately for him, this didn't seem to bother the other at all.

After finding out about something they had in common, Roman tries his hardest to be somewhat friendly. He wanted to give off the impression that he still didn't like him, but it wasn't true.

After spending more and more time with the other personality, he lost the need to be aggressive. They shared many conversations.

One day, Roman was listening to him talk. He was talking about something he was passionate about, making Roman smile at how cute he was. He didn't realize his gaze had slipped to his lips until he stopped talking.

"Uh, Prince?"

He looked back up, meeting his eyes. Roman took a step forward, looking at his lips once again.

"What are you doing?"

The question wasn't harsh, but more shy. Roman was leaning closer, looking at him with more affection than ever before.

"Princey, why are you looking at me like that..."

Roman was so close he could feel the other's shuttering breath on his lips. He stared at his lips, feeling the urge to kiss them he'd suppressed for months wash over him. The other's voice was a whisper.

"Roman- mmf!"

Roman gently pressed his lips to his, and though the other knew what was happening, it still surprised him. The other personality slowly melted into the kiss as Roman brought his hands up to gently hold his face. The slowly broke the kiss, but didn't pull away. Roman tilted his head a little to brush his nose to the other's as he looked into his eyes.

"Sorry Anx... I've been wanting to do that for a long time..." he murmured, looking down with his eyes to avoid the other's gaze. To Roman's surprise, the dark personality placed a gentle hand to his cheek and leaned up to kiss him again. Roman smiled into it, feeling the other smile as well. As they broke this kiss, Roman looked into his eyes with a small smirk.

"Did you know that your lips taste like vanilla?"

Okay! My first Prinxiety one-shot! I'm actually happy with how this turned out! It's cute!

Thanks for reading! Hope ya liked it! 😁

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