Off My Game (Prinxiety)

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Roman was the flirty one of the four Sides. That was common knowledge to everyone; the Fanders, the other Sides, even Thomas was well aware that he was the flirty one. Being the flirty one, he loved to flirt with others to make them flustered. Logan normally just stared at him in confusion at first, before he got used to it and just walked away. Patton always took it as a platonic compliment. There was one Side he hadn't tried flirting with yet. Virgil. It was settled. Tomorrow, he'd flirt with Virgil all day to make him flustered.

He was in the common room on his phone when a very tired looking Virgil trudged in. Roman stood up, approaching him with his signature smile. "Good morning Virgil, I have a favor to ask of you," he said, smiling at the tired Side.

He yawned wide like a kitten, causing Roman's cheeks to go rosy pink. Oh my god, he's adorable, he thought, freezing in awe. I did not plan for this.

"Sure, *yawn* whatcha need Princey?" he asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Roman's cheeks were on fire as he looked at the adorable Side. He couldn't find the words he'd had planned.

"Can I- uh, can I..." he stammered as Virgil looked at him curiously. He titled his head a little, making Roman want to scream even more from how cute he was. He hurriedly rushed out of the room calling behind him. "Nevermind!"

Roman huffed confidently as he approached the kitchen. Virgil had been baking cookies with Patton, and they were almost certainly done by now. He could smell them as he walked in. Patton was no longer there, making this a lot easier for him. "Hey Virge," he said, leaning on the counter. "I got something to tell-"

Virgil turned around, nibbling on a cookie. It was a massive cookie, the aftermath of baking with someone like Patton, and it looked even bigger in his sweater paw covered hands. Roman stopped dead, blushing at how adorable he was once again. "U-Uh, Ariel- call me- p-part of your world, what?" he stuttered, backing away.

"You okay Roman?" Virgil asked curiously. The prince laughed nervously as he turned away to hide his face.

"Y-Yeah, yeah, I just, uh, got to go!" he said as he darted out of the room.

Later that evening, he found Virgil on the couch watching a movie. Come on Roman, you've got this! he thought determinedly. Just go flirt with him!

What he didn't realize when he approached him, was that he was curled up with his knees to his chest and covered in fluffy blankets. In his arms, he was cuddling a black cat plushie. As Roman approached his eye line, he looked, causing his bangs to fall over his eyes perfectly. The prince wanted to scream. How was it possible for a human being to be this cute?!

"Need something Roman?" he asked.

Roman rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to say the line. "Youknowwhatyouwouldlookreallybeautifulin? My a-arms," he said really fast. Virgil looked confused.

"Could you slow that down?" he asked with an amused look on his face. "Did you have coffee or something?"

Roman took another breath, trying again slowly. "You know w-what you would look r-really b-beautiful in?" he started, earning a small blush from him. "My a-arms."

Virgil was silent for a moment, and Roman was worried that he'd messed up by flirting with him. That was, until Virgil started giggling. The giggling turned into flustered laughing. "Roman, are you trying to flirt with me?" he asked standing up from his blankets to approach him. The prince, embarrassed, nodded. "Aww that's adorable!" he said with a smile.

Roman smiled shakily. "You have no idea."

I liked writing that, it helped relieve the stress of the last two chapters, requested by this person

I liked writing that, it helped relieve the stress of the last two chapters, requested by this person

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I hope you liked it :3

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