Not My Patton (Logicality)

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Spoilers from the new video.

Logan knew there was something wrong. It was a feeling, though he despised them, in his gut that felt like it was trying to tell him something. As absurd as that was to the logical Side, he couldn't ignore it. He watched his companion closely, listening to the way he spoke and how he acted. It was Patton, but it wasn't...

Why would he point out that he was silly when he knew he was? How did he know so much about the history of philosophers and lying? Why would Patton feel the need to call attention to his love of cartoons when surely he was aware they knew that? Why had he been so eager to see Thomas and Roman act out another scene containing Thomas lying?

There was something wrong, and Logan knew it.

He approached Patton in the common room, sitting down beside him on the couch. "Salutations, Patton," he greeted in a monotone voice.

"Hiya Logan!" he chirped with a smile.

Logan didn't like it. He tried to think of something that would prove he was really Patton. "Patton, do you recall when I came to your room not long ago?" the logical Side inquired, watching him.

The was a tiny shimmer in his eye that he couldn't place before he spoke. "Of course, friendo! Why wouldn't I?" Patton replied, tilting his head with a reassuring smile.

"Didn't we discuss how I was feeling?" Logan continued, feeling his unease grow.

Patton hesitated before nodding. "Yep! We came to the conclusion you were just feeling a little drained from all your work!"

The logical Side sighed, looking him directly in the eye. "Wrong. We came to the conclusion I was in love with someone," he said, glaring at the fake Patton. "You're not him."

"W-What? What's got you riled up, Logan?" he questioned, a slight nervousness in his features now. "It's me! Happy pappy Patton!"

The fake Patton reached to put a hand on his shoulder, but Logan grabbed his wrist tightly. His eyes were daggers as he looked at the impostor disguised as the man he loved. "You're not my Patton," he muttered, seething in anger. "Where is he, Deceit?"

The devious Side started to laugh, smirking in a way that terrified Logan to see Patton do. "Your little crush is in great danger because of your ignorance," he snickered. Logan wasn't intimidated; he spoke in lies.

"Good to know he's safe then," he snapped, glaring at him. Deceit looked annoyed, but smirked nonetheless.

"You may have caught me this time, but you definitely won't see me again."

He snapped his fingers and vanished, leaving Logan to stare at the couch, shaking slightly. The logical Side got to his feet, finding them carrying him toward Patton's room with haste. He knocked on the door, waiting impatiently for him to open. When he did, he couldn't get a word out before Logan hugged him.

"Thank god..." he breathed, having been slightly worried despite knowing Deceit only spoke in lies. "You're alright..."

Patton was confused, but gladly hugged him back. It was only on rare occasions that Logic of all the Sides actually hugged him or showed physical affection. "Why wouldn't I be?" he asked with a small laugh as he pulled away and lead him inside.

"Deceit... he was posing as you..." Logan admitted, looking at the ground. "It wasn't you..."

His fist involuntarily clenched, as did his jaw. There was something infuriating about Deceit, even when he wasn't fooled by his tricks. How dare he pretend to be Patton of all the Sides? There was only one Patton; Logan knew this in his heart because it only ever beat so fast around him. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to him.

"Logan, you're crying..."

The logical Side blinked, realizing he was right as he felt the tears drip down his face. He reached up silently, taking off his glasses to wipe his eyes. Patton looked at him in sad concern. "Logan, what's wrong? I'm okay!" he said, trying to offer a smile. He reached up to wipe away his tears himself, meeting his eyes. "What's wrong-"

"Please, never leave," he whispered, biting his lip. Logan looked furious with himself as the tears kept falling. It had to be from years of not shedding a single tear, he deduced.

Patton gave him a sad look as he hugged him. "I'm not going anywhere," he murmured, squeezing him a little tighter. "I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to."

The logical Side wanted to question why he'd said him specifically rather than all of them, but he didn't. He surprisingly felt at home with his arms wrapped around him as Patton hugged him, and he didn't want it to end. He squeezed the parental Side a little, swearing to himself that he'd never let Deceit, or any of the 'Dark Sides', do anything to him so long as he was alive.

Even if he didn't know it, Logan was always going to protect his Patton.

So... Deceit huh? That's pretty fucking cool and stuff. I'm totally not freaking out and it's totally not 2:00AM rn. I won't talk to much about it because Idk how many people won't have gotten to watch it yet, but I hope you enjoyed.

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