Snake Bite (Anxceit/Prinxiety)

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I wonder who'll figure out that first ship name without needing to be told.
Trigger Warning: toxic relationship, verbal & physical abuse

Virgil's breathing was shaky as a finger traced the features of his face. His eyes fluttered shut as he sucked in a breath. The finger was soft, too soft to be skin. The finger turned into a hand that gently held the side of his face, eliciting a small gasp.

"You are beautiful, Virgil Sanders," the Side murmured, making his eyes slowly open to meet his boyfriend's.

"Aren't you lying though?" he asked quietly as he searched Deceit's impossible to read eyes. "You speak in lies, don't you?"

Deceit laughed a little, shaking his head. "Not always," he said, earning a raised eyebrow from Virgil. "I swear on my existence, I don't lie every time I say something."

"I believe you," the anxious Side replied with a smile as he leaned into his gloved hand. Deceit returned his smile, leaning in to kiss him gently on the the lips. Virgil kissed back, but it quickly became more heated. The snake-like Side was biting down on his lip, making him gasp and pull away with a flustered laugh. "Whoa, slow down, I'm not super into that stuff, De."

Deceit's eyes widened as he nodded. "Oh, of course, sorry," he said, looking hurt. Virgil frowned not liking the sad look on his face. He sighed a little and pulled him close.

"Come here," he said with a smile as he kissed him hard. There was a smile on the snake-like Side's face as well as the kiss grew passionate. Virgil felt nervousness in his chest as they backed up and fell on the bed. He hadn't been expecting this so early in their relationship.

"Virgil, are you comfortable with this? You just said you weren't super into this stuff," Deceit asked, pulling away to ask though his eyes were already dilated.

The anxious sighed a little with a nod, telling himself it was fine and normal. "I trust you," he said, offering a smile. Deceit's smile was more of a smirk as he leaned down to kiss him again.

A month later....

Virgil sighed heavily as he put concealer over all the hickeys and bite marks on his neck. He wished Deceit wouldn't go so crazy with them, not liking when the other Sides could see them. He started to head for the door once he was finished, but his boyfriend's voice made him stop.

"Virgil, where's my kiss?" he called.

The anxious Side felt strange. He knew he was trying to be playful and loving, something neither of them were good at, but something felt off. Regardless, he walked back to the bed and leaned over to kiss Deceit gently.

There was suddenly a gloved hand holding his own at the wrist, rubbing circles into the skin with the fabric. "I'm so glad you're mine," he said with a smile. Virgil returned it, trying not to feel uncomfortable with the usage of the word 'mine'. "And by the way, if that prince flirts with you anymore, I'll slap him across his sorry mouth."

"Deceit, that's not necessary," Virgil said, shifting uncomfortably. "He's just a flirty person, we've always acted like that with each other-"

"I don't like seeing you flirt or be flirt with when you're mine," the snake-like Side snapped, his grip on Virgil's wrist tightening. The anxious Side's eyes widened, feeling his heart rate speed up. "Don't you love me, Virgil?"

His mouth fell open as he blinked. "O-Of course I do, De," he replied, biting his lip. "I'm sorry..."

"Whatever, just go, and you'd better come back before 10:00 PM," he warned as Virgil made his way to leave for the Mind Palace. He nodded quickly and left the room, wincing once the door closed behind him.

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