It's Saturday Night (Prinxiety)

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Virgil was at a party, and frankly, he didn't want to be there. His friends had dragged him there, knowing he hated parties. He was starting not to care as he looked at the cup in his hand and the dark liquid inside.

This scene wasn't him at all. He was the stay-at-home, lonely, emo artist kid that only had three friends. He didn't go to parties and get drunk.

He looked up at the kids around him, dancing, drinking, yelling, and having fun. Virgil could be like them. He could be a different person than himself. It was just one night. One Saturday night.

"What the hell, screw it," he muttered, drinking all of the alcoholic liquid in one swig before heading to refill it. As he chugged down another cup, he sang under his breath. "I pray for the wicked on the weekend. Mama can I get another amen?"

Virgil looked up with a smirk. "It's Saturday night."

Roman was dancing when someone grabbed him by the shirt. He was pulled close to someone's face, his eyes widening when he realized who's. "Virgil? What are you-"

"Just shut up," he said, cutting him off as he kissed him hard.

He let out a gasp, but being tipsy made him kiss back. They were stumbling through the crowd until Virgil had him pinned against the wall. They broke apart to breathe as they panted.

"Seriously though, what are you doing?" Roman asked hazily. "I thought you didn't like me like that."

Virgil let out a deep laugh that gave the other chills as he leaned in again. Their faces were almost touching as he spoke. "Tell you think that again after I do this," he muttered with a smirk. With that, they were lip locked again. Roman was definitely enjoying it, but was slightly worried as he broke their kiss.

"Virgil, you're going to regret all this in the morning," he warned with a heavy sigh as the typically anxious emo moved to kiss his neck. He didn't think he actually liked him; it had to be the alcohol.

"So let me regret it," Virgil mumbled against his skin. He pulled away to look Roman in the eye with a devious smirk. "Come on, Roman, it's Saturday night."

Before he could say anything, he was being kissed passionately again.

The next morning, Virgil was back at his and Patton's apartment. He had a killer headache, and couldn't remember anything from last night. Remembered deciding to drink, but after that second cup everything was blurry.

He groaned as he got out of bed, wincing at the pain in his head and the uncomfortable churning in his stomach. He heard a knock on his door, seeing Patton standing in his doorway.

"Hey bud, hangover right?" he asked, keeping his voice lower for the sake of his headache. Virgil nodded as his friend led him out into their living room and kitchen. He handed him water and headache medicine. "There's some bananas if you're up to eating something."

The emo shook his head quickly, feeling his stomach churn uncomfortably at the thought of eating anything.

There was suddenly a knock at their door. They both looked confused as Patton went to answer it. Opening it, he smiled. "Oh! Hey Roman!"

"Yes, hi Patton, is Virgil here?" he asked, trying to look around him to catch a glimpse of him. Patton nodded, letting him in with a laugh. He approached him uncertainly, smiling. "Uh, hey, Virgil."

"Hi?" he replied, looking at him with a confused smirk. "Why are you acting so weird?"

Roman's face fell as his heart dropped in his chest. "You don't remember..." he said sadly as he looked down.

"Remember what?" Virgil questioned, panic rising in his chest. What had he done last night while he was drunk? Why did Roman come over so early specifically to see him?

Roman pulled back his shirt from his neck, revealing dark purple and red marks. "Your lips had fun last night," he mumbled as Virgil's eyes widened.

He jumped to his feet, backing away from his friend. "W-What?" he managed, about to have a panic attack.

"Virgil, breathe, we didn't do anything," Roman explained as he took a step toward him. He backed away, making hurt flash through his friend's eyes. "Virgil, please. You have no idea what you're doing to me."

That got him to freeze as the man in front of him looked down at his clenched fists, tears in the corner of his eyes. "Do you like me, or not?" Roman snapped. "You rejected me in middle school and we've never spoken of it again, and then you get wasted and start kissing me like it was your last night on earth. Do you know how many mixed signals you've been giving me over the years?! How am I supposed to feel?!"

Virgil felt guilt wash over him upon seeing the man in front of him in tears. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, calming himself down the best he could. Roman kept his gaze fixed on the floor.

Memory of last night restored, Virgil took a deep breath and approached him. "Roman, look at me," he said, getting the prince-like man to lift his head. When he did so, he pressed his lips to his passionately, but gently.

Roman gasped as Virgil reached out to hold his cheeks. This kiss was so much different than the ones from last night. It was like he was trying to reassure him that he wasn't going anywhere. When they pull away, they blinked at each other.

Virgil smiled as he reached up to play with his hair. "I've got an idea," he said, voice gentle. "What if we went out to dinner next Saturday?"

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