Tiger's Purpose (Prinxiety)

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Virgil's eyes blinked open slowly as he adjusted to the feeling of existing. He was in a room, being looked at by three others. They were staring at him intensely, with curious gazes. He shrunk away, his heart pounding. Who were they? Who was he? Where and what was he? 

"Hi there! I'm Morality!" the joyful looking one greeted, extending his hand with a smile. "What Side are you?" 

"S-Side?" Virgil repeated quietly as his eyes widened. "I-I'm... I'm Anxiety..."

The three of them looked taken aback exchanging surprised glances. "Logic, why would Thomas have anxiety as a Side? And why would he be here instead of the Dark Mind Palace?" the prince looking one asked, voice low as he eyed the darkly dressed new Side before them.

"Prince, don't be rude!" Morality interjected, looking nervously back at Virgil. "Anxiety, it's nice to meet you! If you'll head down that hallway, you should find your room!"

Virgil nodded a little, hunching his shoulders as he exited the common room. He stopped in the hallway once he was out of sight, hearing them start to talk. "Seriously! What is he doing here?" the prince's voice asked.

"I don't know, I guess Thomas is becoming a more anxious person," Logic replied in a monotone voice. 

"Oh fantastic! An actor with anxiety! Just perfect!" Prince snapped, sounding annoyed.

"Prince, stop, he's probably nice! Isn't anxiety supposed to protect you-"

"Why is a Dark Side HERE!? He belongs with them on the other side of the mind! He can't be good!" he interjected, completely ignoring the moral Side. 

Virgil's heart was racing as he listened to them bicker about his presence there. He was starting to tear up as he turned and continued down the unfamiliar hallway. He passed a gold and red door with a crown on it, assuming it was the prince's. Passed that door, was a plain black one. He bit his lip as he entered it, closing the door behind him. His eyes were wide as he looked around at the dark purple and black themed room, slightly intimidated by all the darkness. He liked it, but it also felt pressuring; it was like the room around him was telling him to be dark. 

The anxious Side frowned as he looked down, feeling like he didn't belong there. He could still hear the voices of the others talking about him. As he looked up, his eyes widened. There on his bed was a plush of a tiger. 

It was the only thing in the room that wasn't black or dark, being a regular tiger stuffed animal. He picked it up, looking at it with a wobbly smile as he hugged it. "You'll be my friend, right?" he murmured as tears slipped down his cheeks. It was soft and fluffy, calming him down as he hugged it. He wasn't sure what force had given this to him, but he couldn't be more grateful. "Thank you..."

After "Taking On Anxiety"

Virgil blinked as he found himself back in the common room of the Mind Palace. Princey appeared next to him, scowling pointedly in his direction. "Did you really have to show up and make that necessary?" he snapped, talking about the video. "It's bad enough even having you here."

The anxious Side didn't reply as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and left the room in a hurry. He passed Morality, who called out. "Hey Anxiety! Are you-"

"I'm fine. Leave me alone," he replied, slamming the door to his room. Once alone, Virgil started to break down. His body shook as he started to cry, sliding down the door as he hugged his knees. As he looked up, wiping his eyes, he noticed a familiar plush on the bed where he'd left it. He jumped to his feet and hugged it tightly as he sobbed. "They hate me Tiger... They just want me not to be here..."

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