What Would He Do For Love? (Prinxiety)

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Virgil woke up in a dark room. The floor beneath him was hard and cold. He couldn't talk, his mouth covered by something. He blinked rapidly, panic rising in his chest as he tried to stand. He couldn't; his arms were chained to the floor and his feet were bound. Virgil found himself tugging on them desperately as he panicked, tears flowing down his cheeks. He heard a loud thud, and dust fell from the ceiling. He froze, hearing a low growl that shook his bones. Tears continued to slip silently down his cheeks as he stopped struggling.

Roman was looking for Virgil when Patton came to him in tears. "Roman!! Virgil's been taken by a dragon witch!!" he cried.

The prince gasped in horror, grabbing his friend's shoulders. "Not to worry, Patton! I'll save him!" he told him, letting go of him to sprint toward the dreamscape.

He didn't notice the way Patton wiped his eyes and smiled to himself. The cardigan wearing character hurried toward Logan's room. He entered, coming up behind Logan as he watched Roman through an observation station he had set up.

"How'd I do?" he asked excitedly. The intellectual Side flashed him a smile.

"You did fantastic, love," he told him before looking back at Roman who was now in the Imagination.

Patton was silent for a moment as he looked at the screen showing Virgil. "Hey Lo... why are we doing this again? He seems really freaked out..."

"I know, and I feel guilty too, but I'm testing how far Roman will go for love," he reminded him. "We both know of his affection for him, perhaps this 'storybook' setting is what he needs to confess."

The Dad-like Side nodded, tearing his eyes away from Virgil to watch the Prince.

Roman was running toward the tower, knowing only one dragon witch that was truly cruel enough to potentially kidnap one of them. His hand was on his sword, ready to be drawn the first sight of the beast. As he found himself at the tower, entering when he found no sign of the dragon witch. He rushed up the stairs, reaching the heavy door through he assumed Virgil was behind.

"Virgil?!?" he called, banging onto the door. There was a muffled cry from inside. "Virgil!!"

He slammed his shoulder against the door with enough force to bust it open. He stumbled into the dark room, seeing Virgil struggling. "Oh my god," he breathed rushing to him. He slid to ground in front of him, taking his face in his hands. "Virgil!"

He pulled the gag off of his mouth, making Virgil gasp. "R-Roman," he stammered, tears still falling.

"Shh, it's alright, I'm here," he told him moving to get his chains. "Everything will be fine-"

"No! Roman!"

His head snapped up too late. The roof of the tower was ripped off, revealing the massive form of the dragon witch, Helena. She was a dragon witch with clear marks of history on her skin. Her snout was scarred and deformed, her skin and scales marked from countless blades and claws of other dragon witches. Roman would be lying if he'd said his blade hadn't made one of those scars.

The prince drew his sword moving to stand between her and Virgil. He turned his head to reassure him. "Everything will be fine!" he told him, charging toward her.

He was ignoring the voice in the back of his head, which wondered if it really would be... he'd faced her once, and here she still stood. He'd barely made it out of that battle alive; what would happen this time...

Roman shook out his head, rolling to side as Helena spit fire at where he'd been standing. As her head came low, he leapt up to slice her neck, but she abruptly turned her head to knock him back. He hit the ground hard; he could hear Virgil's voice call his name as he looked up at the beast in horror.

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