Freckles (Prinxiety)

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Roman wasn't aware that his boyfriend had freckles. Virgil was careful to hide the 'embarrassing' feature with white foundation everyday without fail. He would put it on in the morning before talking to anyone, and then wipe it off at night before bed so he wouldn't irritate his skin.

One night, while he and Roman were watching a movie together, the prince fell asleep. Virgil didn't mind of course, but completely forgot about it as he went through his nightly routine of wiping off the concealing makeup. He returned to his lovers arms without a second thought. So when Roman woke up first in the morning, he was in for a shock.

His eyes fluttered open slowly as pale morning sunlight trickled in through the closed blinds. He looked at his still sleeping boyfriend affectionately. The prince brushed the boy's bangs out of his face, freezing upon what he saw. He let out a loud gasp, waking Virgil.

"Huh?" he said sleepily, sitting up and rubbing his eye with a yawn. "What's wrong Princey?"

He was staring at him, jaw hanging open. "You have freckles," he breathed. Virgil's eyes went wide as he felt his face. Dread settled in his chest as he didn't feel the residue of his foundation. He groaned as Roman started freaking out. "YOU HAVE FRECKLES!"

"Shut up!" he whined. Roman grabbed his face looking at them with a wide smile. He started kissing all over his face. "What are you doing?!"

"I have to kiss all the freckles!!" Roman said in between kisses. "You're so adorable!!"

Virgil groaned but also giggled at the feeling of his lips on his face. "That tickles!" he complained has he laughed a little.

"All the more reason to continue doing this!" his boyfriend exclaimed, continuing to kiss him as Virgil bust into a fit of giggles.

"I hate you, Virgil said annoyed as he pulled away. Roman raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

"You know you love me," he replied, pulling him into a long kiss on the lips. "And I love you, and all of your freckles."

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now