Rough Day (Slight Prinxiety)

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Roman was relaxed as laid on his bed, writing poems with a sparkly gold pen. He let out a peaceful sigh, smiling. Today had been a very pleasant day for the creative Side. He'd pretty much chosen today to be a day of relaxation. However, Virgil hadn't.

The anxious Side threw open his door, making him jumped and raise his fists in defense. When Roman realized it was Virgil standing in his doorway, he lowered his fists. He sighed and raised an eyebrow.

"Is there something you need, Virgil? Would it have killed you to knock?" the prince asked as his increased heartbeat started to slow. He didn't say anything as he stalked into the room and closed the door behind him. Roman got up from his bed, slightly concerned and very confused. He noticed that the anxious Side had yet to show his face. "Virgil, what do you want-"

"Hold the fuck up!"

Roman blinked in shock and tilted his head in confusion. "What?" he asked. His eyes widened as the anxious emo finally looked up. His eyes were red from crying, and there were tear stains on his cheeks.

"Hold the fuck up," he said, sniffling. "I'm the fuck up. Hold me."

The prince's eyes widened even more as Virgil let his head hang limply as he raised his arms. He'd seen jokes on the Internet about that, but he'd never had someone actually say it to him. Roman didn't hesitate to hug him tightly, feeling guilty. "Rough day, huh?" he asked as they stood there hugging. He nodded into his shoulder as he continued to sniffle. "Sorry, Virge... is there anything I can do to help?"

Virgil just squeezed him a little tighter, making Roman smile just a little bit. He walked them backwards, falling onto the bed. The anxious Side gasped as he realized their position, blushing. The prince winked, chuckling as he played with Virgil's bangs.

"Do you want to stay here with me and watch a movie?" he suggested as he melted under his touch. Virgil nodded, looking loopy from the sensation of his fingers through his hair. Closing his eyes to focus, Roman turned on the T.V. and picked a Disney movie. They continued to lay there quietly for a little while before the prince spoke again. "Hey, Virge? Why'd you come to me instead of Patton, or even Logan?"

Virgil's cheeks heated up as he tried to explain. "W-Well... I didn't want to bother Logan, and he's not great with emotions either. Patton seemed really stressed today, so I didn't want to add to it," he said quietly. "And... you give the best cuddles..."

Roman blushed but smiled at that, squeezing him a little. "Well, whenever you want them, come get them."

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