Toxic (Prinxiety)

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Part Two to "Almost Toxic"

Roman's POV:

It had been a day since Virgil kissed me drunk on the couch, and frankly, I'm losing my mind. I can't stop thinking about it! His lips on mine... did he mean that last kiss or not? It had been so soft and sweet, it felt impossible that he couldn't mean anything by it...

But what if he didn't? He- he hadn't approached me yet. I was started to get worried until I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I called. To my shock, Virgil walked through the door. "Oh, greetings Virgil."

I tried to behave normally as butterflies swarmed my stomach. He looked down. "Look, I don't quite remember everything that happened yesterday, but based on how scared your eyes are, I can only assume the worst for what I don't remember," he said. I looked away nervously. "Roman, look at me please..."

I listened to him, looking him in the eye. "I-I do have feelings for you," he admitted quietly. I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart racing. "But, I need some time to think. I don't know really know most of what I did yesterday, and true to my name, I'm extremely anxious about it. I need to think... but just know that I do have feelings for you."

My throat was closed up so I just nodded. He nodded too, and stood there in an awkward silence for a moment before leaving.

I released a breath, shaking. He liked me, but needed time to think. I buried my face in my pillow, both giddy and nervous.

<Time Skip>

I don't know why I was still awake, but it was currently 2:00AM and I was hungry. I got up and headed to the kitchen. It was dark but not dark enough that I needed a flash light.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until I was suddenly against the wall. I gasped but couldn't make any noise other wise because someone's lips landed on mine. It wasn't sexual, but it was forceful. They pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. They didn't hesitate to kiss me again. I paid close attention this time. There was no smell or taste of alcohol coming from them, but there was something familiar about their lips. They way they were kissing me was so strangely loving and passionate, like they actually meant it. I kissed back an inkling of who it was in mind. I hoped I was right as they smiled into the kiss. They finally pulled away, but stay led close enough that I could feel their breathing on my lips.

"With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride," they sang softly against my lips. I got goosebumps and realized I was right. His eyes glinted in the dark and I could see his signature smirk. My heart was pounding in my chest as I found myself giddily smiling. I knew he was sober this time, and he'd kissed me! Virgil kissed me!

"You're toxic I'm slippin' under," I sang back, leaning forward a little to brush my nose to his. He smiled wide as I continued. "The taste of your poison paradise, I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic."

He kiss me again, moving from my lips to my neck, but it wasn't in a sexual way. "And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic," I sang as he moved back to my lips. He met my eyes as he pulled away. "So you thought about it?"

He nodded as I smiled. "And you are a good kisser pretty boy," he said flirtatiously.

I hummed proudly as leaned forward to capture his lips again. "And yours are toxic."

There ya go, part two, hopefully that didn't suck lol

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