Virgil in the Bathroom (Slight Prinxiety)

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Virgil's POV:

I woke up and realized what day it was. My birthday! Was that a good thing? Or a horrible thing? Would the other Sides even know? Would they care? I'm not sure...

I guess I'd never find out if I didn't go see. I could ask Roman first since he's the least likely to remember. Getting dressed and dawning my eye shadow, I went to ask him. I found him on the couch in the common room, writing or drawing something with an intensely focused expression on his face. I felt a little awkward as I cleared my throat, making him glance up for a couple seconds. "Greetings Anxiety," he said simply. Yeah, he was definitely focused, and he probably didn't remember.

"What are you working on?" I asked, trying to play it off as I sat down next to him. He slammed the notebook shut and stood up quickly.

"It's just a thing for a future video, but I should really be taking a break and ordering some supplies for it," he said quickly before darting out of the room. I felt a pang of disappointment, hurt, and betrayal. I'd been trying so hard to be friends with him lately, maybe even more than friends someday... I shook out my head; now that was just ridiculous, Roman would never see me as more than a friend, if we were even friends...

I tried to brush it off, heading for Logan's room. He was much more tolerant of my presence before Roman ever was. Maybe he would remember and want to hang out. I knocked on the door, getting a distracted 'come in' in response. I opened the door and enter the room, finding Logan rushing around it from computer to computer, a manual of some kind in one hand, and phone in the other. He seemed super stressed, and I almost wanted to back out of even asking. "Hey Logan," I greeted, earning a distracted 'salutations'. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Maybe 'Jurassic Park'?"

"My apologies Anxiety, but I'm extremely busy at the moment, and I don't have time," he explained, giving me a look that told me he was sorry though his voice was stern. I felt another stab of disappointment; he hadn't said happy birthday... he forgot too...

"Ok," I replied, walking out of the room before I could show my disappointment. Surely Patton would remember, he had to know it was my birthday. He was in the kitchen, in a frenzy as he rushed around. "Hey Dad?"

He looked exhausted as he whipped around to face me. "What Anxiety?" he quipped. I almost winced, immediately backing up. He didn't usually call me Anxiety anymore, and he's never used that tone when talking to me... it was terrifying.

"N-Nothing, s-sorry," I managed as I practically sprinted out of the kitchen, missing Patton's look of realization and guilt. I got back to my room and collapsed against the door. My eyes were watery and my chest felt tight. No one remembered, no one cared, not even Patton... I blinked, clearing the tears as I let out a sigh. It's not like I should've expected anymore.

I stayed curled up in my room for what felt like hours until someone knocked on my door. I didn't reply but allowed them to enter nonetheless. "Hey Anxiety! We're going to a party with Thomas and his friends! You gotta come!" Patton said excitedly, seeming completely different from earlier. I shrugged and begrudgingly got up to join them. It wasn't like I mattered even if I went; nobody remembered my birthday, yet we're still going to a party. Fun.

We sunk down and headed out with Thomas to one of his friend's houses for the party, not that I was paying attention. We got to the party, filled with people, friends of Thomas and others I didn't recognize. My chest was tighter and my breathing was strangled as I was surrounded by people. I pushed my way to the bathroom, quickly locking myself in. The tears that had been holding back all day started to fall as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Nobody cared. I could disappear and no one would even notice. It was my birthday and not one person had said a word. Patton- Morality had snapped at me, the one person I was almost certain would have remembered and said it. It's like it would be better if I just had never been born. I wanted to go home! I just didn't want to be 'Virgil in the Bathroom'! I thought they were my friends! I thought they cared! I thought-

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