Everyone's Got An Act (Prinxiety)

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"The Greatest Showman" AU

"I want to go after the snobs," Patton Taylor Barnum said enthusiastically to the young man next to him.

Roman Carlyle sighed heavily as he drank the shot in front of him. "If only you knew how suffocating they are," he replied.

"Then come join me in the circus!" P.T. suggested. "You clearly have a flare for show business."

"Mr. Barnum, I can just run away and join the circus!" he protested,

"Why not? Sounds exciting, doesn't it?"

Roman chuckled sarcastically. "You realize that just associating with you could cost me my inheritance," he said, earning a laugh from the showman.

"Oh, it'd cost you more than that! You'd lose everything, but on the other hand," he said, trailing off to imply the riches of being apart of the circus.

"You're serious?" the younger man asked skeptically.

P.T. nodded as the got another shot each. "Teach me how to appeal to the highbrows," he said as they each took a drink.

One "The Other Side" musical sequence later...

Roman stumbled around the chaos of the circus as P.T. lead him around. They passed the bearded lady on the way up the stairs before stepping out into a box-like area as a trapeze artist soared through the air toward them. Roman froze in awe as he came up from the swing, making eye contact with him. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as he blinked. In a second, he swung away, earning cheers from the audience in the building.

"Who is that?" he asked breathlessly.

P.T. lead him back down, calling the names of the trapeze artists. "Virgil! Joan! I like you to meet my newest hire," he said as they approached. "This is Roman Carlyle."

Virgil, the one Roman had just seen in the air, looked up as he unwrapped his wrists. "And what is your act Mr. Carlyle?"

"I-I don't have an act," he replied, blinking. Virgil smirked, making his heart lurch.

"Everyone's got an act."

Roman watched breathlessly as he walked away. P.T. was called by someone, leaving him to attempt to follow him, but not before being stopped by Joan. They gave him an intimidating look, making Roman feel nervous as he followed P.T. knowing he wasn't going to be able to focus on anything else but Virgil's eyes.

I think of Prinxiety during at least three of "The Greatest Showman" songs. This is what happens.

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