New Year's Eve Kiss (Logicality & Prinxiety)

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Virgil didn't know why he was here. Scratch that, he knew why he was here. Patton, his best friend, had dragged him to a party for New Year's Eve; because Virgil was the total party animal of their friendship.


He was huddled in the corner, fidgeting and hiding away from all the people. He didn't really know anyone besides Patton. He didn't want to be here, especially for New Year's. Everyone was expected to have someone to kiss when the clock struck twelve, and guess who most definitely wouldn't. There was no doubt in Virgil's mind that Patton would find someone, but him? Not a chance.

So he stood there, trying not to have a panic attack. "Hey! You're lookin' lonely," someone said, approaching him with a red cup in hand. "Would you like a drink?"

Virgil didn't know how to respond as the man prepared him a cup of whatever alcoholic substance was in the punch bowl. He couldn't say no as he handed it to him with a smile.

"The name's Roman, and I've lost my phone number. Could I get yours?" he said smoothly. Virgil's face flushed bright red and his eyes went wide.

Was- was he being flirted with? By a really good looking guy? What the hell?! "Uh, sure," he managed, still in shock as they exchanged phones to put in each other's number. "W-Why are you talking to me though?"

"Can't leave a handsome thing like you by yourself," he replied, leaning against the wall as he took a sip of his own drink. Virgil had no response to that other than blushing like crazy.

He was skeptical of his intentions. What if this guy was just trying to score on New Year's? Why would he be so forward with him? "What do you want?" he asked, looking down at the drink in his hand. "Just looking for someone to get drunk and screw on New Year's?"

"Get drunk? Yes, it's New Year's. Screw? Not really interested," Roman said, shrugging. "I'd love to find someone to get to know in this new year."

Virgil was just left to stare as the attractive man took another sip of his drink. He took a sip of his own, surprisingly enjoying the taste. He started to drink it more quickly before Roman reached out to stop him. "Whoa, you don't have to if you don't want to," he said with a raised eyebrow. "But if you'd like, I'd love to go dance."

The darkly dressed man shrugged and finished off his drink, not even caring at this point. "Why the hell not?" he said, grabbing Roman's hand and dragging him toward the dance floor.

Patton watched as Virgil dragged a good looking guy toward the dance floor, smiling. He then felt a pair of hands find his waist and someone's breath on his neck. He giggled at the feeling, knowing who it was as he leaned into him. "How are you this evening, love?"

"So much better now that you're here, Logan," he murmured, turning to look at him with a smile. He returned it, brushing their noses together. "Are you here to ask me if I'll be your New Year's kiss?"

Logan looked down as he bit his lip with a smile. "Maybe," he said with a shrug. "I think that our first kiss of our relationship being on the strike of midnight of the start of the new year would be pretty perfect if it's comfortable with you."

Patton smiled, leaning into him smile. "I think that's a lovely idea, Logan."

About an hour later, Virgil and Roman were mostly intoxicated. Both of them were holding each other as the minute before midnight counted down. Patton was looking into Logan's eyes, leaning in closer and closer. When the count down hit one, their lips met gently and their eyes slipped closed. Meanwhile, Virgil, mostly drunk grabbed Roman by the shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss, making his eyes widen but kiss back.

The next morning, Patton was shaking his friend awake. Virgil had a headache, felt sick, and hated literally everything. "Mornin' Virge!" he greeted, making him wince. "Hangover?"

He groaned, nodding in response. Virgil's phone suddenly buzzed, lighting up with a text. Patton looked over at it, curiously picking it up. His eyes widened at the contact and he smiled down at Virgil. "Hey, do you remember the name of that guy you were making out with last night?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

He suddenly shot straight up, groaning but grabbing the phone. His eyes widened upon seeing Roman's name pop up on the screen with a text.

Roman <3: Hey beautiful, you're an amazing kisser btw, wanna meet me for coffee? Starbucks at 9:45 and I'll buy you a drink XOXO

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