Anxiety Pills (Prinxiety)

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Despite the title typically implying angst, this is VERY fluffy because I'm sick and feel like death (no pun intended) and want SOME JOY IN LIFE

When most people think about what would happen to Anxiety if Thomas started taking pills for it, they think it would harm him, make him sick, or even destroy him entirely. Yet the reality of what happens is much more amusing. Thomas doesn't typically take anxiety pills, but on special occasions when it becomes too much to he and Virgil to handle, he'd take one reluctantly.

Anxiety, by name and definition, makes you anxious, worried, and nervous, even about things that don't matter, or can't happen. So anxiety pills allow you to calm down, and stop thinking so much.

When Thomas takes an anxiety pill, the other Sides now know immediately what happened.

"Heeeey Patton!"

The fatherly Side looked up in surprise as Virgil bounced into the kitchen without a care in the world. "Uh, hey kiddo! You feelin' alright?" he asked as he hugged him tightly. Patton naturally hugged back, but hurriedly pressed a hand to his forehead to check for a fever. "You don't seem to have a fever... what's got you in such a good mood?"

"I was just thinking about how I love love love love loooooove somebody," Virgil replied, eyes half closed and voice loopy. "And he's super sweet even though he appears to be an asshole!"

"Virgil! Language!" Patton scolded, though he was trying not to laugh. It wasn't everyday he got to see his dark, strange son grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "But you wanna tell me who it is?"

The emo nightmare looked confused for a minute. "I thought I just did?" he slurred. "It's Roman, duh!"

Patton had to keep himself from squealing as Virgil smiled absentmindedly. This was one of the cutest things he'd ever seen. He gave the cardigan-wearing character another tight hug as he bounced off to talk to someone else, leaving Patton to wonder what had come over him.

The typically anxious Side made his way to the common room, finding his Princey on the couch, writing. "Hey Princey!" he exclaimed, hopping onto the couch next to him. Roman jumped in surprise, looking at Virgil in astonishment.

"Um, greetings?" he replied, looked very confused, but returning to his writing nonetheless. Virgil just continued to watch him over his shoulder for a little while until he got bored. He started to play with Roman's hair, making the prince blush. "Uh- what are you doing?"

Virgil just giggled, scooting closer and leaning into his shoulder as he continued to run his fingers through his hair. Roman looked down at him in pure shock as his face flushed completely red. The emo nightmare then cuddled into his chest, and started to purr.

"V-Virgil- what are you-"

"You're really warm," he said, curling into him. "And you smell nice! And you're soft!"

Virgil sighed as he relaxed into him. The prince was starting to be not only flustered, but concerned. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders, he guided them both to stand up so that he could make his way to Logan's room.

The intellectual Side had been working at his computer when a knock on the door sounded. He opened it, finding a blushing Roman with a giggling Virgil clinging to him like a koala.

"Explain please."

Logan looked between them, not sure how to respond at first. He then beckoned them into his room, closing the door behind him. He watched as Roman sat down, and Virgil immediately curled into his chest, emitting a soft rumbling noise he recognized as a purr.

Sanders Sides One Shots: Volume 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now