Young and Beautiful (Moxiety)

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April 16th, 2018

Because people want more diversity in my ship choice, here have some fucking Moxiety even though I really only see a father-son relationship there

Virgil smiled as his boyfriend pulled him by the hand through an aquarium. His heart felt like it would burst with affection and love for him, but he couldn't help but force a smile. His mind was against him, taunting their lovely day with its dark and worrisome thoughts. He had no real reason for them, but having anxious or self-deprecating thoughts wasn't something he could control.

Whenever Patton flashed him that beautiful smile, he felt his heart clench and soar at the same time. The man had been gushing over the little sea horses, laughing at the clownfish, and giggling at the dolphins. It made Virgil so happy to see him so happy, gasping as he started dragging him off somewhere else once leaving the aquarium.

"Come on, Virgil! Let's go to the park!" Patton said excitedly as he pulled him by the hand. He blushed at the contact, feeling his heart lurch at the warm feeling it sent through his body.

They made their way to said park, Virgil's boyfriend a giggling mess as he purchased ice cream for them. When he went to take a bite out of the cone, the chocolate ice cream got on his nose. "Whoops! I'll get that for you!" he said, pecking Virgil on the nose to get the ice cream off. His gaze slipped down to his lips, where were covered in the chocolatey dessert. Patton leaned in, pressing their lips together gently and humming happily. "All clean."

"Wasn't that a waste of time given that I'm about to take another bite?" Virgil pointed out with a small smile.

His boyfriend shrugged, licking his ice cream as they continued to walk hand and hand through the park. They walked for a good hour, the sun starting to slip toward the horizon. Patton pulled him to sit in the grass to watch it with him, wrapping his arms around him. Virgil's intrusive thoughts kicked in as they sat together in a comfortable silence.

"Hey Patton?"

"Yes, Virge?" his boyfriend said in response, moving to brush his head with his nose.

Virgil bit his lip sighing a little. "Y-You'll still love me when I'm not young and... well, I'm not beautiful, but you get the idea... you'll still l-love me, right?" he asked quietly.

"Of course I will," Patton replied, kissing his hair gently as he smiled sadly. "I'll always love you no matter what."

His boyfriend smiled tearfully as he looked at him with a smile. They pressed their foreheads together. "I'll always love you too, Patton," he murmured back, earning a smile from him.

"I know you will."

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