More Than Just a Purr (Prinxiety)

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Roman was curious. There was something off about his boyfriend's behavior. Sure, he was already very catlike, but he seemed to be hiding more than just a purr.

Now that he thought about it, Virgil hadn't been see with his hood down for as long as he could remember, other than for videos. Perhaps there was a reason for the strange napping spots and chasing dots. Roman was determined to find out.

He tried tricking him into taking off his hood. That didn't go over well. In fact, one time he'd tried sneaking up behind him and just trying to pull it off. He received hissing in return followed by growling. Needless to say, Roman did not try that again.

After about a month of countless failed attempts (235), Roman gave up. He let out a sigh as he headed to his boyfriend's room to watch a movie with him. He valiant efforts had all failed, and he was very disappointed to never discover the secret of the hoodie. Perhaps it was all for nothing, and Virgil simply didn't like being with out his hood on-

Roman froze as he opened the door to his boyfriend's room, and saw, having forgotten to knock, a frozen in shock and fear Virgil... without his hoodie on.

Not only was the darkest of the Sides not wearing his signature hoodie, he was also in his pajamas, which consisted of fluffy black pajama pants and a loose black shirt. What was strange about this, was the hole in the back of the pajama pants. It took him a moment to register what he was seeing.

You see, Virgil had cat ears. Not like a head band, no, he had actual cat ears. He also had a long, slightly fluffy cat tail coming out of the back of his pajama pants, through the small hole he'd noticed earlier. It was clear as day that his boyfriend was a neko.

"R-Roman?" Virgil stammered. He appeared to be on the verge of tears as he unfroze from the shock of the prince-like Side suddenly entering his room.

"You're a neko?" Roman asked hesitantly. That did it. Virgil broke down. He was crying as he curled up on his bed. His fluffy black cat ears had fallen with his emotion and his tail involuntarily wrapped around his legs as he hugged his knees. "V-"

"Y-You're g-going to b-b-break up w-with me n-now a-aren't y-you?" he sobbed. "I-I p-p-probably freak y-you out, a-and you p-probably h-h-hate m-me n-ow."

Roman's heart shattered at how broken he sounded as his boyfriend sobbed. He smiled sadly and got on the bed, crawling up to him so that his face was level with where Virgil was hiding his. When Virgil realized he hadn't responded, he looked up to see if he had left, seemingly shocked to see him in front of him. He couldn't say anything before Roman leaned forward and kissed him for what seemed like forever. At some point during that kiss, Virgil had stopped crying and melted into it. When they pulled away, Roman smiled at him.

"I think you're adorable, and you're still my Virgil, I love you ears or no ears," he said, giving him an Eskimo kiss. He picked up his tail, waving it a little with a bigger smile. "Tail or no tail."

Virgil blushed as his boyfriend gently rubbed his ears, earning an involuntary purr from him. " I do have a question thought," he said. His boyfriend hummed in response as he sank into the feeling of his ears being rubbed. "How do you hide these during videos, and how do you hide your tail all the time?"

"Nekos can temporarily hide their features..." he said in a lazy voice as he leaned into Roman's touch. "It's really exhausting though... which is why I stick to just hiding my tail.... and then covering my ears with my hood. Then I only have to hide my ears for videos because I don't really wear my hood in videos much."

Roman nodded in understanding, smiling at how adorable his boyfriend was. "You're so cute," he murmured. Virgil blushed darker from the compliment. "And I still love your purr."

A cute little request from this person!

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I'm emotionally wrecked okay? Thomas emotionally wrecked me with that song. I was crying my eyes out, and I don't cry at those types of things. Sad movie? Nope. Sad book? Not a tear. Sad song? Dry eyes.

But that song... That song hit me hard and I was just a mess... plus Thomas responded to my video reaction and him and over 600 people on Twitter have seen me crying over a song. That's very strange to me, but it was good tears.

Okay, that's it from me. Thank you for reading!

*In the style of Thomas* Peace out!

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