Taken By Surprise (Prinxiety)

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Roman's POV:

"Don't fail us, Prince."

"I won't, sir," I replied as the channel ended. I took a deep breath, pacing the jet as it neared the drop zone. Logan in the pilot's seat looked at me curiously, concern in his gaze. I gave him a weak smile. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I got this."

He raised his eyebrow. "Just be careful, Roman," he warned. "I didn't want to tell you, but there's a smaller jet seemingly headed to your destination as well. They don't appear to be friendly."

"Great," I replied, tensing even more. "I'm fine."

"Good, because you need to jump," Logan said, opening the doors with a push of a button. I took a deep breath and jumped.

The wind whistled past my ears as it whipped at my hair. I was thankful for my goggles that allowed me to still see as I fell toward the earth. I could see the destination: an abandoned factory below me. Though abandoned, it held a key component my higher-ups desired that would allow them to beat the rebels. I pushed the button on my parachute, slowing my fall. I landed on the roof of the building, sending out a scan signal to check for traps. As I did so, someone landed on the opposite end of the building.

"Shit," I muttered, leaping down to the ground to avoid being seen. I rolled when I hit the ground, dodging into the building. "He's probably a rebel. I need to get this thing before he does."

Virgil's POV:

I leapt down to the ground, entering the factory. Nothing was going to stop me from getting this weapon. It was the most important thing I could do to prevent the rebels from being destroyed. I didn't waste time, moving with swiftness through the abandoned factory, dodging the traps I'd been told were there. I reached the room, seeing the objective. I smirked behind my mask, moving forward to grab it.


I gasped as I hit the ground, having been hit with an astonishing amount of force. It didn't hurt though. I looked up, seeing someone walking toward me. Shit, shit, shit...

They looked male, and they were smirking as they tossed a small orb in their hand. I recognized it; it was a weapon you could throw at the ground to knock someone back.

"Thinking you're going to get that?" he said, pointing to the weapon. I desperately scrambled to my feet, raising my fists. "Because that's not going to happen, rebel."

"You've no idea what you're even fighting for," I snapped, backing away. "You don't matter to them. You're expendable, and they wouldn't blink twice if you died in front of them. We're not the bad guys."

He looked intrigued by my words for a brief moment before he shook his head with a laugh. "That's an interesting story, but you're still not going to get that weapon."

I growled, stomping my foot. I activated my boots, sending an energy surge into the ground that propelled me into the air and knocked him back. I landed in front of the weapon, reaching out to take it.

Roman's POV:

I scrambled back to my feet, grappling up to the platform where the rebel was. He was about to take the weapon when he saw me approaching. He turned away from it to engage me, blocking my swings. He swept his leg under mine, knocking me onto my back. I groaned as he straddled me.

"Sorry, but you're on the wrong side," he said as he pulled out his knife. Panic shot through me. He was going to kill me. I was about to die. The rebel raised the dagger above his head, bringing it down as I closed my eyes. I was expecting pain, but it never came. I opened my eyes, seeing the dagger inches away from my throat, the rebel's eyes wide. He tried to stab me again, but the knife refused to touch me. "It can't be..."

My eyes widened as I realized it too. "Oh my god..." I breathed, looking up at him in shock. "You're my soulmate?"

He got off of me, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't believe this..." he said, throwing the knife toward me only to  watch it harmlessly fall to the ground as it hit the invisible barrier that prevented soulmates from harming each other. "My soulmate's with the enemy..."

I could hear the sadness and genuine hurt in his voice as he turned away to grab the weapon. I gasped, grabbing his wrist. "Wait," I told him as his eyes met mine. "You keep saying the rebels aren't the bad guys... what do you mean?"

His eyes widened in shock at my question. He reached up, pulling the mask that covered nose and mouth down. My breath caught in my throat; my soulmate was absolutely gorgeous. "The government has been taking everything from people driven into poverty by their laws, and killing anyone who tries to resist. Even peaceful protesters are gunned down on the spot," he said, voice laced with venom. "They're taking more and more of the people's rights and freedoms without anyone realizing it."

"How do you know then?" I dared to ask as he glanced back up at me. 

He set his jaw, swallowing. "I watched them kill my brother. He wasn't quick enough to escape like my father and I, so they shot him without even blinking an eye. He was ten."

I swallowed as my throat closed up in horror. I dropped my head, guilt for helping the people who did this washing over me. "I'm so sorry... what was his name?" 

"Luis..." he murmured sadly. My eyes widened as I gasped. 

"Wait! Luis Black?" I asked him quickly. He looked at me, nodding. "He's still alive! They didn't kill him, he's a prisoner at the facility I work at! That means..." I looked at him with wide eyes, "you're Virgil Black."

Virgil looked at him in confusion. "How do you know that?" he asked quietly. 

"You're one of the most wanted rebels in the nation," I told him. "I don't even know why, but they're all looking for you. Something about your bloodline... but Luis is alive!"

His eyes widened at the mention of bloodline. "Oh god... I need to get him out of there," he said, mostly to himself. 

Virgil's POV:

I grabbed the weapon and started sprinting back to my jet. "Virgil! Wait!" the agent called as he chased after me. I climbed onto the roof, ignoring him. If Luis was still alive because of our bloodline, there was only one reason. I needed to get him out of there before that reason came to pass. "Please wait!"

I turned as I began to climb into my jet, seeing my soulmate running after me. "What? I don't care who you are, if my brother's still alive, I'm getting him back," I snapped, tossing the weapon into the cargo hold. 

"No, please, take me with you," he said, making my eyes widen as I looked back down at him. "I believe you, about the rebels not being the villains of this war. I want to help you get your brother back."

I looked at him skeptically, but as I thought about the knowledge he possessed about our enemy, I nodded. "Fine, but if you betray me, I will have someone else kill you for me," I tell him, earning an amused smile from him as he climbed into the jet next to me. We were quiet as I took off before my curiosity got the better of me. "So, soulmate, what do they call you?"

"Prince, Roman Prince," he said, flashing a smile in my direction. 

"Well then, Roman, welcome to the rebellion I guess."

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