The Stars in Your Eyes (Logicality)

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Not requested but I got an idea, I'm going to write what comes to mind if I get them and write requests whenever I don't have one, thanks for the patience on the requests guys, I have like over 40 XD

Patton had never seen Logan this excited. The intellectual Side was pulling Patton by the hand to come with him. The pun-loving Side had no idea where they were going, but he followed him anyway. When your crush grabs your hand and tells you to come them, you'd probably go with them too.

Logan was leading him to a part of the mind he'd never been to before. Patton assumed it was part of the left brain, as they passed many labs and libraries before reaching a flight of twisty stairs. Logan didn't slow as he raced up the stairs, still dragging Patton close behind.

"Logan!" Patton exclaimed with a giggle as they continued their way up. He looked back, and uncharacteristically wide smile on his face.

"Come on!" he said excitedly.

Patton's heart fluttered as he laughed. "Logan! Where are you taking me-"

His sentence was cut off as they reached the top of the stairs. He let out an audible gasp, looking around as Logan watched him for his reaction. They were in a dome of some kind, but the dome itself was a display of the night sky. "Whoa..." he breathed, looking up as he took steps around in awe. "It's beautiful!!"

"It showed up when Thomas said that he'd look into taking a course on Astronomy," Logan said with a wide smile. He gasped, grabbing Patton's hand once again, completely unaware of the lightning the touch sent through his arm. "Oh! Come here! Look!"

He lead him to the center of the room where a massive telescope was stationed. "This simulates what it's like to look at the sky through a telescope in the real world," Logan gushed. "Go on look through!"

Patton was trying to hold back a smile as he looked through it, holding the end of it with his hand so he could move it around. Logan crouched next to him placing his hands over Patton's to guide him towards the planets and brighter stars. The dad-like character's face was bright pink as he did so. "This is really amazing Logan!" he said as he stepped away from the telescope.

"Oh! A guess what! If you don't feel like using the telescope, you can do this!" he exclaimed, excitedly pressing a large button. The sky seemed to fall on them, but what had really done was make the projected image of space descend all around them. Stars were floating right above Patton's head as he looked around in awe.

Logan was watching him with a smile, secretly really happy to see his reaction. "Come here, I'll point out the constellations," he said to him, laying on the floor of the observatory. It was soft carpet, so he didn't mind. Patton quickly went over to join him, laying down next to him.

Logan leaned closer to him as he pointed out several different constellations and planets. At some point, Patton wasn't really listening anymore as he stared at him. A smile stayed on his face as he looked at the way the stars shimmered in the intellectual Side's eyes. He missed seeing Logan get so passionate about things.

Eventually, he noticed that Patton wasn't listening. "Patton are you even listening?" he asked a slight huff of annoyance in his voice. The pun-loving Side gathered his courage and leaned forward to press his lips to Logan's. He couldn't respond before Patton pulled away, looking anywhere but at him. He smiled wider than he had all day, reaching to lace his fingers with Patton's. He heard a small gasp come from him as he looked back up at the stars around them.

Patton looked over at him in shock, smiling and scooting closer to him to the point where his head was resting on Logan's shoulder. "Thank you for bringing me here Logan," he murmured. "I love it, and I could listen to you talk about space for hours, just so long as we do it just like this."

Logan smiled, turning his head to press a kiss to his cheek. "I have no objections to that."

Figures, he mentions learning Astronomy ONE TIME and Logan gets SO EXCITED that I just HAVE TO TURN IT INTO A LOGICALITY ONE SHOT :3

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