Dear Happy (Prinxiety)

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MORE FREAKING ANGST BECAUSE PEOPLE REQUESTED IT. I swear to god these are requests! Also this one feels a lot like one I've read before, so I'll try my best to not just copy that one.

Roman's POV:

"He's not ready yet Princey!" Virgil yelled.

We'd been arguing for about an hour, and I was seething. I wanted Thomas to preform a song for a YouTube video, but Virgil INSISTED that he wasn't ready. That was so not true! He was perfectly ready!

"Yes he is Anxiety!" I snapped. "He's been ready for days, and YOU'VE been keeping him back!"

He opened his mouth to retort, but I was too angry to stop myself from saying something I'd definitely regret. "You've ALWAYS been keeping him back! That's what you do! That's all you're good at!"

Virgil's eyes went wide as he flinched. My stomach dropped as I realized what I said. My mouth fell open slightly. His gaze was hard as he lifted his chin and started to walk past me. I reached out to grab his arm.

"Anxiety wait-"

I stopped when he looked at me. His eyes were glossy, but cold. He yanked his arm away from my grip and walked away.

Virgil's POV:

I kept myself composed until I reached my room. As soon as the door was closed I broke, tears falling down my cheeks as I slid against the door. I pulled my knees to my chest, containing a sob as my chest shook.

Did he really think that? Was holding Thomas back really all I was good at? I thought he loved about me...

I couldn't stop crying. My head was pounding and my chest hurt. I needed something to calm me down. I grabbed my black and purple ukulele leaning against my dresser right next to me. I started strumming a few notes, finding a familiar cord. I bit my lip as I started to play the song.

"I missed you dearly, thought I was nearly there, forever at last together," I sang softly. "is our time fleeting, is even meeting a healthy idea or am I getting too near?"

"Don't try to fight it, you're/I'm here for tonight, and I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again," I sang, eyes widening as I realized someone else was singing too.

Roman's POV:

I sat leaning against his door. I'd heard him singing and couldn't help but listen. As he reached the chorus, I bit my lip as I joined in, unsure if he'd keep playing.

"Don't try to fight it, I'm/you're here for tonight and I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again," I sang softly.

To my shock, he kept playing. I swallowed, continuing with my part. "I know it's scary, but don't be wary, if we don't have that long let's not waste it feeling wrong. This isn't the end, I'm your life long friend. It's been a while but I'll be there when you smile."

"So don't try to fight it, I'm/you're where for tonight, and I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again," I smiled a little as he joined back in, heart racing.

We hummed the bit before the last part of the song. I was getting lost in the sound of his voice, because believe it or not, we all sound slightly different when we sing. There was a pause and then he sang.

"Would you mind staying?" he sang weakly. I think he was crying.

"It's getting late, but I will visit you soon," I sang softly in reply.

"So just try to get through... and don't try to fight it, I'm here for tonight, and I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again..."

We paused for a moment. "I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again..."

We both stayed in silence for a moment. When he didn't say anything, I sigh and stood to leave.

Virgil's POV:

My hand rested on the door handle, torn between opening it and just letting Roman walk away. I bit my lip and pulled the door open.

Prince turned looking at me in shock as I slammed my lips against his forcefully. He gasped as I pulled him into my room. We ended up falling on my bed, Prince hovering above me. We were panting as we looked at each other. He looked away, pushing himself up to be further away from me.

"I'm sorry..." he said, regret and guilt resonating in his voice. "I didn't mean it... I was just angry and stupid and I shouldn't have said something like that..."

I pulled him down to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "I forgive you," I murmured. "I know you didn't mean it..."

He nodded hiding his face in the crook of my neck. "I love you..." he whispered.

"I love you too."

Requested by this person

Two one shots in a row ending with "I love you too" lol

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Two one shots in a row ending with "I love you too" lol

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