Your Words On My Wrist (Mini Story) (Logicality)

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Wow, you're beautiful.

Logan fidgeted nervously as he approached his new elementary school. Double checked his glasses to make sure they were straight. He was terrified to meet new people.

He was mute.

People are going to laugh and point at you.

He squeaked his eyes shut. It was all the more reason not to talk. He couldn't say the wrong thing if he never said anything. He was alway scared to say something and end up being someone's soulmate. That's right, Logan knew. He was only in first grade, but he'd figured it out. He was very observant.

I wouldn't make a good soulmate.

He sighed as the bus car came to a stop and he stepped out. He headed to his classroom walking in to find kids chatting excited in little groups.

Logan stayed silent. He made his way to a desk in the back, where he would silently read his book when-


He fell to the ground, someone falling on top of him. His eyes went wide as he looked into his eyes. Neither of them spoke for a second before the other whispered something he'd never forget.

"Wow, you're beautiful."

Logan blushed, heart thudding in his chest, as they got up, the other boy flustered at what he just said. "Sorry! Sorry! I don't know where that came from!" he said with a nervous smile. "My name's Patton! What's yours?"

Logan's eyes widened as he panicked, looking for his notepad. Patton was looking at him curiously as he frantically scribbled on his notepad.

'I'm Logan and I'm mute'

He showed Patton, who 'oooh'ed and then smiled. "Nice to meet you Logan! Wanna sit next to each other?" he asked. Logan smiled, nodding.

He ignored the butterflies in his stomach as he stole a glance at his own wrist.

Patton is your soulmate.

It had been years since Logan became friends with his soulmate. He hadn't said a word to him, terrified and unsure of what to say. He still wasn't comfortable talking. Patton had never talked about his soulmate, but he knew he wanted one, which made Logan feel guilty.

Logan?" His friend looked up. "I don't think I actually have a soulmate."

Logan's eyes widened and his brows furrowed as he tilted his head. Guilt settled in his chest as his friend continued.

Patton sighed. "It's just- there's no possible way for me to have a soulmate with these words," he said sadly. "There's no way..."

Logan moved across the room to sit next to him. He placed a hand gently over Patton's. He squeezed his eyes shut as he hung his head. He felt Logan place a hand under his cheek and pull his face gently to look at him.

Patton, I'm right here. I just don't know what to say.

"M-Maybe I don't need to have a soulmate to be with someone," he said softly. Logan realized how close he was to Patton, feeling his heart race and his head pound.

Logan shook his head the tiniest bit as he leaned closer. Patton's breathing hitched as he continued.

Patton you do have a soulmate, it's me. I'm in love with you.

"M-Maybe I'm in love with someone else..." he said softly. Logan nodded with a small smile as his lips ghosted over Patton's.

Yes! Yes! I love you!

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