Experimenting With Love (Part Two) (Logicality)

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Logan mulled over the facts. Based on Anxiety's description of the symptoms of love, he could conclude that he too, had developed affections toward someone. That someone, being Patton.

He had a couple options here: take the solution and confess to him, don't take it and try to confess without it, or don't confess at all. He was truly conflicted, mostly not sure if he wanted to confess or not. How was he to know the Patton had a big fat crush right back? He certainly had no way of knowing.

Creating a mental list, he began to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Taking the solution would definitely cause a drastic change in his own behavior, however it would make expressing his emotions significantly easier. Then again, what Patton didn't return his feelings, or was disturbed by Logan when he was under the effects of the solution? But if he didn't take the solution, he'd probably jumble up his words. 

He was starting to stress himself out, so he quickly dumped the solution on himself, making a quick decision. He eyes slipped closed and his whole body felt more relaxed. As his eyes opened, a large grin, not unlike Anxiety's, spread across his face. His normally very active and rational mind was now jumbled and scattered. Logan was totally day dreaming about Patton. Thinking about him made his heart jump giddily. He sighed dreamily.

"Ah, Patton," he said, staring off. "Wait, why day dream about him when I can just go talk to him?"

With that thought, Logan wandered out of his room and through the hall in search of Patton. He found him as he was exiting his room. "Oh, hey Logan!"

Logan smiled wide and leaned in close enough for Patton to back into the door with wide eyes. "Hey Patton," he said, still grinning like a lovesick idiot. Patton was blushing deep red as he laughed nervously.

"U-Uh d-did you need something?" he asked. Logan nodded, opening the door by reaching the handle behind Patton. The two of them stumbled back into his room, the door being pushed closed. "W-Well, um, what did you need?"

Logan flopped down on Patton's bed face first. "I need help with emotions," he mumbled. Patton's eyebrows furrowed together. He wasn't behaving like himself.

"Logan, are you feeling okay?" he asked as the normally stoic and inquisitive Side sat up to give him a pout.

"I think something's wrong with my heart," he said. Before Patton could respond, Logan gently grabbed his head and brought it to his chest. "See? It's beating unusually fast, right?"

Patton's cheeks were on fire as he listened to Logan's heartbeat. Sure enough, he was truthful when saying it was beating fast. He managed to pull away from his chest enough to stop dead as they locked eyes.

"Patton..." Logan murmured, causing his breath to hitch. "Teach me about love-"

Logan cut himself off by pressing his lips firmly, but gently, to Patton's. The dad-like character was a blushing mess as he gasped. After a moment of hesitation, he kissed back, finally realizing that Logan, the love of his life, had feelings for him in return. The pulled away slowly, eyes meeting once more.


Said Side cut him off with another kiss. This time, Patton happily melted into it.

Okay, let me start by saying, there will be a Part Three to this.

ALSO! You may have noticed that quite a few authors have been making A/Ns about Anxiety's name... Well guess what I'm NOT going to do in order to break the trend?? Make an A/N about Anxiety's name! XP

That being said, I loved Part Two of that video so much... It probably stole "Am I Original?"s spot as my favorite Sanders Sides video. And I love his name, and his edge lord nickname as well. That whole video was incredible and I loved it.

And I hoped you liked this little Part Two! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go spend about another forty-five minutes writing Chapter Twenty Six for "Out of Time" :P

*In the style of Thomas* Peace out!

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